Sunday, 2 October 2016

Reception complete their first week in style!

Congratulations to the children of Reception, who successfully completed their first full week of school! From eating their lunch with 90 other children to starting their Numeracy and Phonics programmes to having their first official PE and music lessons, the children have had a jam-packed week, which they have dealt with admirably.
Inside the classroom, children are already becoming more confident in name-writing, counting, the days of the week and their phonic knowledge to name but a few areas of learning that we have bene focussing on during the last 5 days. Their social skills are also going from strength to strength, and it is wonderful to see children from across the year playing co-operatively with each other in our large outside area.

Next week (starting tomorrow, Monday 3rd October) the children and staff will be lucky enough to enjoy a visit from the Freshwater Theatre company, who will be performing the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish.’
Keep checking back to the blog throughout the week to hear what Reception have been getting up to and to see pictures of all their challenges and adventures.