Sunday, 9 October 2016

Foundation Stage Newsletter 09.10.2016

What an amazing week we had celebrating the fantastic story of the Rainbow fish. Each class became a sea of sparkles as the children became absorbed in the story. The children had the opportunity to mould and manipulate the glittery play dough , hunt for fish amongst the sparkly water as well as colour mixing and printing with celery. The week was concluded with an exciting Rainbow fish theatre workshop which really brought the story to life for the children. The children were also encouraged to use words such as gills, scales ,ocean reef as well as sea creature names such as puffer fish, lantern fish and shark.We will be continuing with our sea stories next week by reading more Rainbow fish tales and other sea creature stories.

The children are becoming so much more comfortable now at Lunch times. The children were more confident in their choices and had a greater awareness of the systems. To continue helping the children to thrive please look at the options below and see which choice suits your child the most. If the choices are not food that your child would eat please send in a packed lunch. Choices are from Week 3 of the menu.

The choices are :- 

Monday        Fish Fingers -red   or        Cheesy Stack wrap- green  

Tuesday      Spaghetti bolognaise-red   or   jacket potato with baked beans-green 

Wednesday   Barbeque chicken thigh-red   or neapolitan pasta -green 

Thursday      Roast chicken-red   or quorn sausage casserole -green
Friday          quorn tikka pasty- red or cheese and tomato pizza-green 

Thank you once again for your support in helping at home with your child`s reading. Many children have now learnt a few key words and are really enjoying sharing their books at home. May we remind you that we give your child one long individual read a week, During the week during literacy sessions we recap key words and our environment is rich in books. We will now be looking to see which children have read three times a week at home. The class that has the most children achieving this will win a special award to hang up on their classroom door and get a special mention in assembly. So please remember to sign those reading diaries every time you read with your child. 

This week during our Read,write inc sessions we covered the sounds

i--iii insect



During our number sessions we met the characters Freddie Four,Fiona Five and Seal six.The Read,write inc sessions and the Number activities are a very popular part of the children`s day. 

There are still a few children who haven`t yet brought in their p.e kits. Please ensure your child has a p.e kit in school before Tuesday .Thank you. We are trying to encourage all children to be able to put on their own coats or at least have a good try. Please encourage your child to do this at home too and let us know if your child is making really positive progress in achieving this. 

Please remember to send in your child`s Wow certificates. The ones we have had have been so lovely. The children are so proud to stand at the front while we share their amazing achievements.

Please can you also remember to send back your child`s aspirations leaf. Once again it is wonderful to read about your hopes and wishes for your children.`

Please continue to look out for messages and pictures on the Mead Primary School face book page and the Mead Primary School website. Please remember to speak with school staff if there is anything you are unsure of or you have any concerns.  

We look forward to another good week in school with your children

The Reception Staff