Friday 21 October 2016

Year 4 Learning Challenge - Why are animals in the rainforest becoming endangered?

Year 4 Rainforest topic- Why are animals in the rainforest becoming endangered?  

Our new geography topic after half term is going to be to investigate Rainforests.
You can pick one of the topics below to do some pre-learning .

Write 5 important questions that you would like to know about rainforests.
Find out some fascinating facts about:
        The Equator
        The Tropic of Capricorn
        The Tropic of Cancer
Research about an endangered animal. Make a poster about what we can do to help, or prepare a short presentation for the class about this important issue.
Research where in the world the main rainforests are located. Look at a map or globe to find them.

Can you name the 5 oceans and 7 continents of the world?

You could draw a map to show where they are located, and include a key to show what symbols on your map represent.
Find a Youtube video about the rainforests and make some notes on what you have learnt.

You could write a non-chronological report about the rainforest.
Borrow some books from the library about the Rainforest, such as
The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest.

The vanishing Rainforest.

 The Shaman's Apprentice.
Try to find poems, fiction and non-fiction books about the rainforest.
You can tell the class what you found out by reading them.