Year 5 had another successful week with lots of certificates awarded for all of their hard work and excellent learning.
Mathletics Bronze Certificates
Louisa, Jack, Zahi, (USA), Nicole, Larkenz, Julia, Daniela (Mexico), Austeja, George, Olivia, Sade, Andriana and Logan (Canada).
E for Excellence
Sebas (USA), Jake (USA) and Gabriel (Canada).
10 Books
Kiyah, Jay-jay, Faaiz and Jolin (Mexico).
Free Reader
Alfiie, Larkenz, Isabella, Lenna (Mexico) Kadisha and Sade (Canada).
Star Reader Bronze Award
Marcel, Daniel, Jay-jay, Lena (Mexico), Harry, Jack, Melisa (USA) and Reuben (Canada).
Star Reader Silver Award
George (Canada)
Ben and Zahi (USA) both got to order a book of their choice as they have read 75 books.
Lunchtime Awards
Julia, Nicole (Mexico), Felicity and Jesse (USA).
Keep up the great work Year 5!