Dear Parents and Carers,
Below are some awards that we would like to share with you and some important information that you should be aware of.
Parent/Carer surveys
It is really important that we survey our children, parents and staff to have a better understanding of what you think we do well, and also how we may be able to improve. The pandemic has caused significant disruption to us all and as a school, we have not been able to provide many of the additional opportunities that we would like to. However, we would be grateful if you would take the time to complete the survey - It should take no more than 2-3 minutes and is open until Friday 21st May. Thank you! Google Parent/Carer Survey
Children who have been loaned a school Chromebook should bring them back to school on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday by May half-term. These were originally issued to support children through the enforced full school closure and bubble closures; I hope that the recent weeks of non-bubble closures are now here to stay. We will be able to use the additional Chromebooks in school to support the children with their learning.
Attendance for this week is 94.3%. Our attendance for this week was excellent until today, when only 86% of children came to school. Thank you to those who supported us during the disrupted week. Next week, we are open every day!
Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer. Well done to Aleeza (Jamaica) Amari (Antigua), Nubian (St Lucia), Ryan (Palau), Natalia (Australia), Daniel (Scotland), Alexa (USA), Ruby and Charlie (Barbados) Oghomwen (Wales) Carter and Maryam (Egypt) Francesca(Italy), Nina (Brazil), Kevin (Germany), Michelle (Northern Ireland), Crisitian and Amen (Kenya) Demi (Mexico), Logan (Canada), Olivia-Rose (Greece), Alex (Madagascar), Harrison (Chile) and Safiyya (Argentina). Look out for examples of their work on the blog!
Congratulations to these children who have demonstrated one of our four learning skills.
Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest children who have achieved their Tracker Awards. We are very proud of their achievements!
Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest children who have achieved their Tracker Awards. We are very proud of their achievements!
Certificate of Presentation
Well done to Kelvin (Palau), Aum (Australia), Dev (Scotland), Bobby (Wales), Joshua, Hazel and Jack (Egypt)and Albert (Italy) who have presented their work beautifully.
Reading Awards
Reading is one of the most important skills we can teach our children. We are very proud of the children below who have demonstrated a real commitment to their reading. Well done!
Mathletics Award
Yet more fantastic achievements, this time for Maths. Excellent work!
WOW! Award
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Key Information and dates
Squid login
Havering Catering Lunch Menu
Thursday 27th May Final day of the half term (normal hometime)
Monday 7th June Back to School
Thursday 22nd July Final day of the Summer Term (normal hometime)
Have a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Denchfield
Executive Headteache