Friday, 7 May 2021


Even though we had a short week at school, we still had lots of fantastic learning throughout the week. Congratulations to all of the Year 5 children that received certificates.

E for Excellence

Taylor (USA), Toby (Mexico) and Ayan (Canada)

Star Writer

Demi-Bleu (Mexico), Alexa, (USA) and Logan (Canada)

10 Books

Lenny (USA)

Star Reader Silver Award

Benjamin and Zahi (USA)

Gold Tracker Award

Macie (Mexico)

Reflectiveness Award

Jolin and Lena (Mexico)

Resilience Award

Julia (Mexico)

Bronze Mathletics Certificates
Daniela, Nicole and Sulejman (Mexico), Austeja, Brea, George, Andriana, and Olivia (Canada), Emily, Louisa, Lenny, Alexa, Zahi, Jack, Hayden, Riley and Matvejs (USA)

Silver Mathletics Certificates
Andriana and George (Canada), Zahi and Jack (USA)
Gold Matheletics Certificates
Zahi (USA)