Tuesday 21 March 2023

Watercolour extravaganza!

In year 1 art this half term we have been exploring how to use watercolour paints.
We looked at the watercolour artist Emma Burleigh and her ideas of how to use watercolour in interesting ways.
We learned how to apply the paint to paper- it needs plenty of water! We explored what happens when wet paint in one colour is applied next to or on top of another colour. We even used the end of the brush to drag the paint across the page.

Here are some of our pieces:
The following week we looked at what we could see in our paintings using our imagination. We used pencil, pen and oil pastel to add detail. There are dragons, babies, insects, patterns, snakes!
The more you look into the detail of the paintings, the more you can find.
What can you see in our finished work?