Achievement Books
Many congratulations to Harvey, Amirah and Olivia (Kenya) Leo, Olivia and Loris (New Zealand).
Nathan K, Kavi, Gabriel(Madagascar), Victoria (3rd), Zakariya (3rd), Rayan (4th) and Georgia (Morocco), Milena (Fiji), Max (Palau) and Izampela (Greece).
105 Books to Read Before You Leave Mead challenge
Malta’s Star of the Week
Many congratulations to Julianna who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for moving on to stage 3 Bucket and working brilliantly at this.
Star Writer Certificates
These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Daisy (Wales),Ellie (Barbados), Hayden (Kenya), Aiza (Antigua), Terrell (India),Olivia (New Zealand); Marley (Morocco)Robert(Madagascar), Nubian (Egypt), Chloe (Fiji), Lucille (Northern Ireland). Lily (Scotland), Dempcee (Italy), Erik (Palau), Taylor (Greece), Bentley (Brazil), Jessie (Germany), Havana-Morgan (St Lucia) Jasmine and Sofia (China), David (Mexico), Ordrey (Malaysia) and George (USA).
Star Reader Certificates
These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Amy (Wales), Nellie (Barbados), Ella (Kenya), Evelina (Antigua), Lileerae (India), Matas (New Zealand), Sienna, Izabella(Madagascar), Sara and Oscar (Morocco), Roens (Egypt), Amy (Fiji), Lexi (Northern Ireland), Malakai (Scotland), Enki (Palau), Nicolae (Greece), Alexis (Brazil), Zaydh (Germany), Aaliyah (St L:ucia), Kane (Italy) Chase (China), Natas and Haydar (Mexico), Harley, Aronas, Carter, Darius and Ian (Malaysia), Isabella, David, Ellie, James, Aiden, Fran, Rio and Jaion (USA).
Star Mathematician Certificates
These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Izabela (Wales), Rebecca (Barbados), Billie (Kenya), Brody (Antigua), Heath (India), Ashantaye (India), Michael D (New Zealand), Jax (St Lucia), Lily(Madagascar); Jacob (Morocco), Akhila and Lenny M (Egypt), Leyton (Fiji), Mekhi (Northern Ireland), Leona (Scotland), Renaz (Italy), Alicia (Palau), Charlotte F (Greece), Fareeda (Brazil), Scarlett (Germany) Kajus (China), Bailey and Paige (Mexico), Adam (Malaysia) and Basel (USA).
Mathletics Award
Golden Certificate
Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!
Well done to Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, N.Ireland, Mexico, Brazil & Malaysia who achieved their class attendance target last week and have rolled the dice this week.
Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!