Congratulations to Sofia who is Germany's E for Excellence winner this week. Sofia always tries her hardest at every task and puts great thoughtfulness into her work.
This week's Star Writer is Rianne. Rianne used her writing skills to produce a great science investigation report, and powerful emotive adjectives to write a diary entry.
Tommy C has been awarded a Handwriting Award for his impeccable written presentation.
Evie (absent) showed great resilience to produce a wonderful piece of writing in a difficult task.
Nazmie received a Maths Challenge award for completing difficult maths work in a second language!
Well done and Wow! to Nicole, Charlotte, Jake, Tommy R, Remi, Kajus, Lucas, Mahir, Riddhi, Chase and Charlie for completing homework.

Finally, great work to Lexi, Ronnie, Tommy R, Chase, Charlie, Tommy C, Remi and Lucas for displaying a kind and thoughtful attitude at lunchtime.