Sunday, 10 March 2019

St Lucia celebrates World Book Day!

What fantastic costumes we had in St Lucia class this World Book Day! We had three Little Red Riding Hoods, a Very Hungry Caterpillar, Harry Potter, ninjas, ponies and princesses! We spent the day making books and decorating bookmarks, and a number of children shared stories for us to act out during circle time. It was fantastic for the children to hear their verbal stories being read out loud, and we heard some original stories as well as twists on more familiar fairy tales.  Isabel told me the story of four little bunnies who become lost in the forest, whilst Hazel told the tale of the Three Little Pigs with an alternate ending (the wolf fails to blow any of the houses down!)

Thank you to all the parents and carers for the time and effort that you put into the children’s costumes. Jacob’s Big Bad Wolf was chosen as the overall class winner this year, but they all looked fabulous.