Friday 22 March 2019

Safer Transport Workshop

On Wednesday some of our Year 6 children travelled to Romford to learn how to travel safely on the buses. We had our own bus for a journey around Romford. We were met by Ariel who spoke to the children about the bus. They learnt where they are allowed to stand and who has priority seating.

Do you know how many cameras are on a double decker bus? 

The safest place to sit on a bus is downstairs especially if you are on your own. The children were then spoken to by the TfL bus inspectors who explained that you have to look after your Oyster Card or it will cost £10 to replace it and you can always ask an inspector to show you their badge if you cannot see it.

Following a series of Met Police actors re-enacting different situations on the bus, Taylor said 'I know not to talk to strangers on the bus' and Joey knows not to play his music without headphones because it annoys other people. The children were reminded not to touch unattended bags and report anything suspicious to the driver.

One of the most important things to remember on every bus journey is to say 'Hello' and 'Thank you' to your driver. It makes their day!

Answer: There are 18 cameras on the double decker bus and 13 on the single deckers.