Monday 30 January 2023

Weekly Newsletter - 27/01/23


Dear Parents and Carers,

School Ping!

We would like to move all of our communications to School Ping by September 2023. This way we have one way of sending communications with parents and carers. To support parents in using this, we are holding the first of our School Ping Parent Workshop in school on Wednesday 1st March from 8:50 am.

School Contact

Should you have any worries, concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact school. Each Year group has a dedicated email which is monitored by the Year Group Leaders. Please use the email addresses below.

Year Group 

Year Group Leader

Email Address

Year 1

Miss Flynn (New Zealand) 

Year 2

Mrs Rolph (Madagascar) 

Year 3

Mrs Redgrave (Scotland) 

Year 4

Mrs Keen (Italy) 

Year 5

Miss Spinks (Mexico) 

Year 6

Miss Bergasse (Malaysia) 

Industrial Action- School Closure
As you will be aware from our letter sent to parents and carers last week, Broadford and Mead will be closed to all pupils on Wednesday 1st February. If your child is eligible for free school meals, you can order a packed lunch to be collected on the day between 11.30 am - 12.30 pm here.

This will initially only apply for the first day of action, Wednesday 1st February, and we will review this and other guidance we receive prior to the next planned dates.

School uniform

Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform to school every day. All children should wear: A bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan, collared white t-shirt, and black trousers or tailored skirt. Leggings are not part of the uniform policy and should not be worn to school. Children may wear flat ankle boots (no heels). We have also requested that school fleeces be made available with the uniform provider and we will inform you when they are available. If you need support with uniform costs please speak to the office as you may be eligible for uniform vouchers if you have not already received these this school year.

PE Kits: plain black/grey jogging bottoms or black/green shorts and white t-shirt with appropriate footwear.

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Monday 6th February Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Thursday 9th February Year 2 Visit the Library

Friday 10th February ‘Dress to Express Day’ Non Uniform

Half Term

Monday 20th February INSET Day

Tuesday 21st February Children Return to school

Thursday 9th March Maths Parent Partnership Meeting

Wednesday 19th April Reading Parent Partnership Meeting- 9am

Monday 5th June INSET Day

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes