Friday 14 June 2024

Year 2 University of Mead Forest Explorers

 University of Mead: Forest Explorers in Year 2 🌳 

Today, we tried to welcome some magic back to our forest. The children learnt about the Mead Gnome who used to live underneath the sycamore tree but he disappeared when the children started playing on iPads and computers, instead of in the great outdoors. The children made it their mission to show the gnome that they did want to play by encouraging mythical, magical creatures back into our forest. They made fairy houses, tree spirits and even a gnome paddling pool! Of course, there was also time for some forest bathing in our cosy hammock!

Within this, we learnt that the soil in Harold Hill is a clay-based soil and children loved digging deep into the mud pit to find some of this malleable clay. We also learnt how to identify a sycamore and oak tree based on the leaf shape.

“Forest School is my favourite lesson ever”, said Chelsea (Madagascar)