Tuesday 25 June 2024

New Zealand London Eye Trip


Today New Zealand Class went on a trip to the London Eye. We got to experience going on the bus and the tube just like in our story the Queen’s Hat. We also got to see all the different famous landmarks we have been learning about including, the London Eye and Big Ben. In the distance we could also see some King’s Guards practising their marching. We had lots of fun exploring London today. We are going to use our experience to write travel journals to persuade people to go and explore London.

Victorians had influencers too...

 In History this week, Year 5 have been researching Victorians who had a huge influence over the Victorian era. From Scientists and engineers to life saving nurses, we have discovered some incredible personal histories that had a huge impact on the lives we live today. 

University of Mead - Origami

 In last weeks Origami course, children made and designed their own Euros football kits! I think you'll agree they did a great job! 

What team are you supporting?

Monday 24 June 2024

Feel the Force

This half term year 3 have been learning about forces.  They wanted to explore which surfaces are low friction and which surfaces are high friction.  To do this they carried out a fun investigation where they let a car go at the top of a ramp and measured how far it went to test their predictions.  They discovered that wood was a low friction surface as the car travelled a long way after it came off the ramp and the carpet was high friction as it slowed the car down.