Friday, 23 June 2017

sQuid - Thanks again

Once again thank you to parents and carers for your tolerance and patience this week, as we move over to the online payment system sQuid. As I am sure you will all agree any new system has teething problems but this was all made much easier by your support and understanding.

If you have not registered yet, please do so. Parents/Carers should register, for each child, using the information in the letter brought home by pupils, last week and if necessary have deposited monies for dinners. Everyone must register for an account even if your child receives a free school meal.

We have listened to feedback from other school's in the area who have implemented the system and have decided that the kitchen will not be selling drinks. If drinks are purchased it can be very confusing for parents to monitor the value on each sQuid account. However, there will of course be plenty of water/squash available for the pupils every lunchtime.

If you have difficulties setting up or accessing your account Mrs Kinchella/Miss Purcell will be more than happy to help you.

The system is now set up so that you can deposit monies for school trips so we will not be accepting cash in school. When the teachers notify the office that letters have gone out about visits they will add this information to the system and when you access your account it will allow you to deposit monies into a purse specifically for this trip.

If you still have dinner tickets please send them into school as we can refund the cost to your sQuid account.