Poetry Week
The week started out as any other,
but soon year 4 were quick to discover,
It was poetry week at school,
and though some thought it uncool,
They enjoyed it all the same,
and now they've all upped their poetry game!
On Monday Year 4 were introduced to Gill and Bill, who worked with each class individually, teaching them their own poems. Each class worked in 4 groups to understand, learn and perform their poems. Wednesday, Gill and Bill treated our 3 classes to a performance of 'Jason and the Golden Fleece' which fits with our topic of Ancient Greece this term. Thursday afternoon, more able poetry students enjoyed a workshop in the hall with year 4 children from Broadford, learning another poem that they would then perform as a group. Friday, 5-8 children from Monday's poetry session were chose to return to Gill and Bill to perfect and put the final touches on their first poems. Friday afternoon Year 4 and 5 were treated to performances of the poems by Mead, Broadford and Draper's Brookside. Well done to everyone who took part!