Weekly Newsletter
9th June 2017
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to what promises to be a very long but eventful 7 weeks before we break up for the summer holidays. I hope you were able to make the most of the fine weather, while the children were home, last week. Sadly it didn’t last into this week so our year 5 pupils had to endure a day of torrential rain and high winds on their residential trip to Mersea. Despite this they had a wonderful time and all returned happy but very tired. The teachers praised the pupils for their fantastic behaviour and excellent attitude- they really showed great resilience.
Some of our year 6 pupils are going to Mersea for their residential trip on Monday-let’s hope they too have a fabulous time-I believe the weather forecast is slightly better!
Our year 1 pupils start their phonic screening testing next week-Good luck to them!
Diary Dates
Poetry week- We have special visitors in school to lead poetry week
Year 6 are off on their residential trip to Mersea-they return to school on Wednesday
Tuesday 13th June- Year 4 trip to the British Museum. During the morning Mead choir will go to Broadford for Music Festival Rehearsal
Wednesday 14th June- Reception Father’s day stay and play
Friday 16th June -Nursery Toddle (Sports day) in the morning on the front field-Please come and support your children and Year 2 children will be visiting the Tower of London.
Key dates for the rest of the summer term
Friday 23rd June - INSET day school closed
Friday 23rd June - Junior Music festival @ queens theatre, 7pm
Monday 10th July-13:30-14:45-YR 1 Sports Day
Tuesday 11th July-9:30-12:00-LKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-9:30-12:00- UKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-13:30-14:45-YR2 Sports Day
Friday 14th July 9:30-10:30-YR R Sports Day
Friday 14th July-Picnic in the Playground
Monday 17th July 15:30-19:30 Parents Evening
Tuesday 18th July 16:30-18:00-Oscars
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 12th June will be week 2 on the Havering catering menu.
Summer Sun
After the rainfall this week, I am hoping that we will start to experience some warmer weather soon. I would like to ask all parents to ensure that children have sun protection applied before they arrive at school. . It is also recommended that children bring caps/hats into school to wear during outdoor times. We will ensure that pupils have access to plenty of water throughout the day to keep them fully hydrated. Thank you for your support and co-operation in this matter.
Have a fabulous weekend
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Week beginning 12th June will be week 2 on the Havering catering menu.
Summer Sun
After the rainfall this week, I am hoping that we will start to experience some warmer weather soon. I would like to ask all parents to ensure that children have sun protection applied before they arrive at school. . It is also recommended that children bring caps/hats into school to wear during outdoor times. We will ensure that pupils have access to plenty of water throughout the day to keep them fully hydrated. Thank you for your support and co-operation in this matter.
Have a fabulous weekend
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith