Friday, 30 June 2017
Martial Art Awards
We had a special visitor to our assembly today-Mr Marsh came to present awards to Ronnie and Vinnie Thomas for their achievements in Martial Arts. Well done to them

Swimming Awards
Well done to our year 4 pupils who have achieved awards for swimming
225 metre certificate -Gracie McNess575 metre certificate-Sophie Cross and Kian Muwenda Simbwa
675 metre certificate -Adedeji Okunoren and Kian Muwenda Simbwa
750 metre certificate-Grace Allen
850 metre certificate-Molly Dodd, Hollie Hockley and Kyla McGinn
1005 metre certificate -Ryan Jackson
Road Safety competition
Thank you to all the children that entered the safer parking competition-there were 286 entries in total so choosing the winners was a really difficult task:
Year group winners are-
Reception-Olivia Broad
Year 1- Julia Newark
Year2- Grace Rowley
Year 3- Pritika Maheshwan
Year 4- Grace Allen
Year 5 Deborah Dimoriaku
Year 6 Lia Summer
The overall winner is Deborah Dimoriaku-she wins a street scooter. Watch out for her poster which will be displayed at the school gates. Congratulations to all the winners and well done to everyone who entered.

Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Riddhi Vadwala, Ruby Sinclair,Grace-Rose Jennings, Anastasia Munteanu, Ivan Coleman, George Shah, Jessie-Leigh Bridges, Fizzah Mohammad, Ellie Mann, Crystal Faulkner, Millie Penson,Taruni Vemulapati, Harvey Wettner, Nura Aboubakari, Keira King, Yusuf Latreche, Mihaela Plangu, Aaron Kettley, Andrei Ciofu and Anjola Adamu Adegbenro
Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Learning Challenge Awards
Adam Idir, Benjamin Winjobi and Aimee Toolan have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Learning Power Awards
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness, Pritika Maheshwari, Akacia Mungulu and Faiza Hussain receive certificates for reciprocity. Well done to Lily Hartley, Sebastian Sutherland-Macleod and Cooper Spiers -Green who receive certificates for resilience and Summer Stone, Mason Broad who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.

Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Cerys Hanson-Hewitt, Aleena Seleka,Harvey Wettner, Maisie Flower, Nay-Quan Davis and Luke Gurler
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Hennessy Bell, Aniyah Jackson-Anglin, Simeon Okoye, Ryan Mutumbo and Stefan Gorgan-Well done to them!

Reading Awards
Kerry Solanke receives a book mark for reading 10 books
Fawaz Babalola, Anastasia Munteanu, Harry Daniels have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Melisa Guganesh, Benjamin Winjobi, Lukas Norkus and Daumantas Palauskas who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Amira Stanley and Valentino Varghese have read 75 books and they get a book of their choice for their fantastic effort.
A massive well done to this week’s gold reader Paris Mmor who has read 100 books and receives a gold certificate and a trophy for her efforts.

Certificate of Presentation
Well done to Madison Cutts and Amba Cordell who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.

I have made my teacher happy/WOW Award
Yanis Ruzibaev in Barbados -For moving up a book band
Marcel Kalinowski in Australia -For fabulous homework
Hennessy Bell, Kelvin Browne, Aidan Andreetti Brown, Jasmine Rami, Reggis Trotman, Reggie Miller, Joshua King, Summer Hope and Aliyah Iginla in Madagascar -For moving up a book band
Harrison Jennings in Madagascar -For becoming a free reader
Maya-Victoria Moliki in Egypt -For moving up a book band
Emilie Balciunaite in Egypt -For WOW bingo homework
Logan Hallwood, Ellie Mann, Lexie Smart, Hamit Colak and Kai Hope in Kenya -For moving up a book band
Vincent Pryke in Scotland -For writing a story at home
Ryan Jackson in Greece -For making and sharing his robot
Rolex Lufuki, Maksim Suvalskij, Jack Webb, Matthew Dunn, Stefan Gorgan, Mitchel Gambleton, Aaron KettleyDeborah Dimoriaku, Musab Walke, Paige Cheney and Nay-Quan Davis in Mexico
-For moving up a book band
Sarah Hartley, Tommy Macmillan and Luke Gurler in Mexico -For becoming Free Readers
Marcel Kalinowski in Australia -For fabulous homework
Hennessy Bell, Kelvin Browne, Aidan Andreetti Brown, Jasmine Rami, Reggis Trotman, Reggie Miller, Joshua King, Summer Hope and Aliyah Iginla in Madagascar -For moving up a book band
Harrison Jennings in Madagascar -For becoming a free reader
Maya-Victoria Moliki in Egypt -For moving up a book band
Emilie Balciunaite in Egypt -For WOW bingo homework
Logan Hallwood, Ellie Mann, Lexie Smart, Hamit Colak and Kai Hope in Kenya -For moving up a book band
Vincent Pryke in Scotland -For writing a story at home
Ryan Jackson in Greece -For making and sharing his robot
Rolex Lufuki, Maksim Suvalskij, Jack Webb, Matthew Dunn, Stefan Gorgan, Mitchel Gambleton, Aaron KettleyDeborah Dimoriaku, Musab Walke, Paige Cheney and Nay-Quan Davis in Mexico
-For moving up a book band
Sarah Hartley, Tommy Macmillan and Luke Gurler in Mexico -For becoming Free Readers
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados -Vansh Patel
Wales -Lukas Norkus
Jamaica -Ronnie London
Scotland -Ella Hunt
St Lucia -Liam Hampton
Germany -Tatiana Hakeem
New Zealand -Paddy Clarke
Greece -Ruby Craze
Australia -Lexi Milton
Italy -Marziyah Raza
Palau -Evie Boulton-Cutts
U.S.A -Rubie-Mae Edwards
Madagascar -Hennessy Bell
Canada -Jorgey Cottier
Egypt -Havin Colak
Mexico -Sarah Harley
Kenya -Riley Ince
Chile -Grace Young
N. Ireland -Maryam Farooq
Brazil -Danny Boon

Well done to Mexico class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 96.7%. Italy had the highest attendance in LKS2 at 96.4% and Australia the highest attendance in KS1 and overall at 97.6%-Well done to them!. The overall attendance dipped last week to a disappointing 94.5% Let’s have a real effort to get nearer to our target of 96% these last few weeks of term!
Key dates for the rest of the summer term
Monday 10th July-13:30-14:45-YR 1 Sports Day
Tuesday 11th July-9:30-12:00-LKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-9:30-12:00- UKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-13:30-14:45-YR2 Sports Day
Friday 14th July 9:30-10:30-YR R Sports Day
Friday 14th July-Picnic in the Playground
Monday 17th July 15:30-19:30 Parents Evening
Monday 17th July-Uganda Day- more information to follow
Tuesday 18th July 16:30-18:00-Oscars
Well done Broadford!
As you may have heard our sister school Broadford were awarded Primary School of the Year and then Overall School of the year last Friday at the TES award ceremony in London. This is a fantastic achievement for the Federation and for the Harold Hill community and we are proud to be associated with these prestigious awards. Well done to everyone for their hard work!
Brothers Harley and Harry Macpherson are keen footballers. Harley is in year 6 and Harry in year 3 at Mead and both play for Harold Hill Football Club Youth teams. Harley plays centre back and is seen here proudly showing the Player of the Year trophy which he was awarded at their presentation evening last Friday. Harry is hoping to follow in his brothers footsteps and win trophies in the future.
Well done boys-we love to hear of Mead pupils success outside of school.
Well done boys-we love to hear of Mead pupils success outside of school.

Newsletter 30th June 2017
Dear Parents,
As you may have heard our sister school Broadford were awarded Primary School of the Year and then Overall School of the year last Friday at the TES award ceremony in London. This is a fantastic achievement for the Federation and for the Harold Hill community and we are proud to be associated with these prestigious awards Well done to everyone for their hard work!
Road Safety competition
Thank you to all the children that entered the safer parking competition-there were 286 entries in total so choosing the winners was a really difficult task:
Year group winners are-
Reception-Olivia Broad
Year 1- Julia Newark
Year2- Grace Rowley
Year 3- Pritika Maheshwan
Year 4- Grace Allen
Year 5 Deborah Dimoriaku
Year 6 Lia Summer
The overall winner is Deborah Dimoriaku-she wins a street scooter. Watch out for her poster which will be displayed at the school gates. Congratulations to all the winners and well done to everyone who entered.
Diary Dates
Saturday 1st July-Federation Fete at Mead 11:00-16:00-See details below
Monday 3rd July -Some of our KS2 pupils will be going to Harry Potter World-this is a reward for KS2 exceptional readers, please ensure they are in school by 7:45a.m. There is a show for KS1 and 2 pupils in the afternoon in school. Some of our KS2 children will be representing Mead at a hockey competition to be held at Draper’s Pyrgo and the last swimming session for Greece and Germany is today.
Tuesday 4th July- Some year 6 pupils will be attending Draper’s Academy for an induction day in preparation for September. Some year 5 children will be going to the Royal Academy Summer exhibition with Mrs Jolly. Two school council members will represent Mead at The School Council Alliance meeting to be held at Draper’s Brookside and for those feeling energetic the yearly country dancing festival is to be held at Draper’s Pyrgo 18:00-19:30.
Wednesday 5th July -Today is the last swimming session for Italy.
Friday 7th July-Our reception children are visiting Tropical Wings for the day-Let’s hope the sun shines for them! Some of our older children will be representing Mead at a cricket competition to be held at Draper’s Pyrgo.
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 3rd July is week 2 on the Havering Catering Services menu.
Key dates for the rest of the summer term
Monday 10th July-13:30-14:45-YR 1 Sports Day
Tuesday 11th July-9:30-12:00-LKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-9:30-12:00- UKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-13:30-14:45-YR2 Sports Day
Friday 14th July 9:30-10:30-YR R Sports Day
Friday 14th July-Picnic in the Playground
Monday 17th July 15:30-19:30 Parents Evening
Tuesday 18th July 16:30-18:00-Oscars
Thank you and well done to the volunteers of the LFPA and to everyone who supported the recent Father’s day sale. The sale raised £382 at Mead and over £700 across the Learning Federation. This will go towards the fundraising total for both of our schools.
The Learning Federation Parents Association will be holding a Summer Fete on Saturday 1st July at Mead Primary School between 11 am - 4 pm. This will be a great day for the whole family. Bring your friends, families and neighbours. This event is for all pupils, parents and carers from Mead and Broadford Primary School's. All monies raised will benefit pupils across the Learning Federation. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow, to join in all the fun at the fete!
Well done to Mexico class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 96.7%. Italy had the highest attendance in LKS2 at 96.4% and Australia the highest attendance in KS1 and overall at 97.6%-Well done to them!. The overall attendance dipped last week to a disappointing 94.5% Let’s have a real effort to get nearer to our target of 96% these last few weeks of term!
Hope to see some of you at the fete tomorrow- let’s hope the sun shines and it stays dry! Have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Remarkable Reader's Reward Trip
Key Stage One's most prolific readers were rewarded on Thursday with a fantastic trip to Discover Children's Story Centre in Stratford. Twenty nine excited children (and five even more excited adults) boarded the coach at 9am and began their amazing adventure.
When we arrived at the centre we explored Story World which consisted of creative play features, settings and environments that stimulated their imaginations. They visited the special Hootah Observatron, climbed a crow’s nest and went on a Story Building mission!
When we arrived at the centre we explored Story World which consisted of creative play features, settings and environments that stimulated their imaginations. They visited the special Hootah Observatron, climbed a crow’s nest and went on a Story Building mission!
Through spoken language, listening, drama, storytelling and exploration of Discover’s unique environments children learnt the key elements of story craft – character, setting and plot – and helped Hootah to create a new story for Squiggly Diggly. Their story included a ninja, snakes that turned into speedboats, sharks, a jar of gold and even Donald Trump!!!
We then enjoyed a well deserved lunch and headed outside into the garden for even more fun.
Thank you so much to the staff at the centre - you were all fantastic and we will definitely be making a return visit.
The last word went to Oliver
"It was such fun, I wanted to stay there forever!"
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Fun in the Forest this week
Nature provided us with lots of
intrigue this week as a dead bird was discovered on site. Some children were very
keen to examine the bird using gloves and looked closely at the different
parts. They used a tape measure to assess the size of the bird. We soon
discovered it was a seagull. One child stared, "I'll call you surgeon
squirrel, surgeon lion and surgeon jaguar."
A great adaptation to their
normal forest school names!
Others looked on from a distance and enjoyed
relaxing in the hammock, using the blind trail in pairs and lighting small
Forest School,
outdoor learning,
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Barbados Class Picnic in the park
Barbados class all had a fantastic time yesterday on their picnic. We were very fortunate that the sun was shining whilst we enjoyed tucking into our delicious homemade sandwiches and other treats in the shade.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Year 6 Parents - Transition to Secondary School
Reverend Rich Shorter led this sessions at St Peter’s School, South Weald. This was some of the feedback from parents.
“Could relate to this- already have one child attending secondary school- the session was very humorous.”
“We would feel very comfortable calling Richard with any potential problems.”
“Thank you for a fantastic session Richard, I will be in touch.”
“Good to know we can call on Richard if we have any problems”
Mead Football Star
Congratulations to Abbie Harding who is in Chile class at Mead. Abbie plays football for Tigers girls under 12 black team and was awarded the Managers Player of the Year at their presentation event on Saturday for 'Vast improvement and her thunderous foot'- Not sure I'd want to be the goal keeper trying to save her shots!!
Abbie who plays at centre mid-field loves playing football and hopes to play professionally some time in the future. Good luck Abbie -we'll be sure to look out for you in the England team in a few years time.
Abbie who plays at centre mid-field loves playing football and hopes to play professionally some time in the future. Good luck Abbie -we'll be sure to look out for you in the England team in a few years time.

E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados -Yasmin Braun
Wales -Charley Gibbs
Jamaica -Rianne Reid
Scotland -Daniel Vialls
St Lucia -Nathanuel Miller
Germany -Tzoulioa Tzaferi
New Zealand -Shane Marin
Greece -Sydney Flanagan
Australia -Harry Donovan
Italy -Yakoub Idir
Palau -Maisie Kingham
U.S.A -Scarlett Murphy
Madagascar -Vanesa Meskauskaite
Canada -Frankie Underwood
Egypt -Kira Staniforth
Mexico -Joshua Harvey
Chile -Abbie Harding
N. Ireland -Jamie Dean
Brazil -Grace Lokonga-Koy
WOW Awards
Kamauri Salmon, Kritupus Kulinskas and Alexandru Ciobanu in Madagascar -For moving up a book band
Lexie Brame, Aniyah Jackson-Anglin, Niharika Sharma, Charlotte Bowers, Shanel-Rose Bennett and Anthony Clarke in Egypt -For moving up a book band
Reading Awards
Riley Manton has achieved a bronze reading award for reading 25 books.
Silver Reading awards go to Courtney Wingrove, Gracie McNess Lucas Middleton Sabina Banaru and Daumantas Palauskas who also receive a £5 book token
A massive well done to this week’s gold reader .Riana Dimitru and Oliver Trinder has read 100 books and receives a gold certificate and a trophy for her efforts.
Grace Allen has read an incredible 200 books and for her efforts she gets to choose a set of books

Year 4 Star Writers
Congratulations to last week's Star Writers. They were able to use their capital letters, full stops and include challenging vocabulary in their piece of writing.
Well done to Kieran Maybee in Italy, Dominika Tulinska in Greece and Maddison O’Connell in Germany.

Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Shanel-Rose Bennett, Kyla McGinn, Cameron Danquah, Yakoub Idir, Elizabeth Hau and Millie Godleman
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Harrison Jennings, Zephan Witchalls, Teddy Button, Jessica Shorter and Giovanna Alves-Rodrigues
Learning Power Awards
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness. Alfie cook Loui wettner, Logan Dunn and Michael Faulkner receive certificates for reciprocity and well done to Millie Penson who receives a certificate for resilience.

Fact Hunter Award
Well done to Alexandrina Cojan who receives a fact hunter award this week
Learning Challenge Awards
Lukas Balciunas, Frankie Ballardhas, Emilie Balciunaite and Nura Aboubakari have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.

Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Charlie Ronan, Muhammad Raza,Jovan Muniya, Tai Le, Thai Kingham, Michaela-Jay Gardner, Emilie Balciunaite, Courtney Wingrove, Cerys Hanson Hewitt, Madison Cutts, Matty Fitzgibbon, Maddison O’Connell, Dominika Tulinska, Courtney Wingrove, Kieran Maybee, Jessica Bradfield, Pawel Lyczko, Paris Mmor and Tyler Forbes.
Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Sunday, 25 June 2017
Reception Newsletter-Term 3 Week 4
Term: Summer 2 Week 3 Date: 26.06.17
Dear Parents,
We hope you had a nice weekend. This half term we will be reading stories from around the world and looking at different cultures. This week we will be learning about the book ,The snail and the whale` .We will also be having picnics in the park and preparing and making sandwiches.
Our new squid system is now in operation so please make sure you are registered.
Our new squid system is now in operation so please make sure you are registered.
Our Learning Objectives for this term are:-
Personal, Social and Emotional:
ELG: Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others.
Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
To work as part of a group.
Communication and Language:
ELG: They listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions.
Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.
ELG: To answer how and why questions.
Physical Development:
ELG: Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe.
ELG: To move confidently in a range of ways.
Practices some appropriate safety measures without direct supervision.
ELG: They also write some irregular common words.
ELG: To write simple sentences which can be read by them and others.
Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers.
ELG: They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
ELG: Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
ELG: They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
ELG: Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
ELG: They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
Expressive Art and Design:
Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play.
ELG: The children sing songs, make music, dance and experiment with ways of making them.
Create simple representations of events, people and objects.
Understanding the World:
ELG: They know that other children don't always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this.
ELG: Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.
They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 26th June-Class photos
Class picnics in the park
Barbados-Monday 26th June
St Lucia-Wednesday 28th June
Jamaica-Thursday 29th June
Tropical Wings-7th July(Please return forms and money as soon as possible)
Class picnics in the park
Barbados-Monday 26th June
St Lucia-Wednesday 28th June
Jamaica-Thursday 29th June
Tropical Wings-7th July(Please return forms and money as soon as possible)
Last Reception Stay and Read-Wednesday 12th July-8.30-8.55
Reception Sports Day-Friday 14th July-9.30-10.30
Reception Sports Day-Friday 14th July-9.30-10.30
Please encourage your child to come into school independently and put their own things away. This is to prepare them for their transition into Year 1 Please be advised any messages you have for us in the mornings can be given to the staff on the main door who will pass them on. Thank you to those parents who have been working hard to support their children with this.
Also thank you to all of you who have sent in your children`s baby photos. We look forward to receiving the rest of them, we can photocopy originals or you can email them to us directly.
Please remember the homework expectation in Reception is to read at least three times a week. This really does provide great benefits to your child. Well done to Barbados for being last week`s Remarkable Readers again . If you would like further homework please complete the Learning Challenge.
Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Nursery Rhyme:
A Sailor went to sea
Captain Hook or Tinkerbell
Piece of music:
George Fredric Handel
1. Learn it off by heart.
2. Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3. Find out about the rhyme
1. Draw a portrait of the person.
2. Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.
1. Listen to the piece of music
2. Create some movements to the music
3. Draw an illustration to represent their feelings
4. Able to name the piece of music when they hear it
Please apply sunscreen to your children before school, they do spend a lot of time outside, thank you.
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is eyfs@mead.havering.sch.uk
Kind regards
The Reception Team
Saturday, 24 June 2017
Reception Reading Morning
Upcoming Diary Date: Wednesday 12th July
We are inviting you to come and join us for our last reading morning of the academic year, taking place on Wednesday 12th July from 8.30-8.55am. We are asking parents to come and join their child in their classes for 5 minutes to share and read a book with them. We are continuing to promote a child's love of reading and we hope it will provide an opportunity for you to be able to share in this.
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
Reception Team
Friday, 23 June 2017
Year One arrrrrre Pirates!
On Thursday, the children were treated to a pirate themed day of fun.
We were visited by The Hobgoblin Theatre Company, who performed a fantastic production of Treasure Island. The children had loads of fun participating in the play.
After that, the children all took part in a treasure hunt to find the gold left by some pirates!
Throughout the day the children made exciting crafts and had the opportunity to write about Treasure Island.
Thank you to The Hobgoblin Theatre Company and to the lovely Year Ones who made the day so special.
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