Amazing Awards!
105 Books to Read Before You Leave Mead
Well done to Andrei C (Gold) (Palau) Vinnie (Kenya), Gemma (Silver), Stefan and Akshara (Gold) (Australia)
Bingo Homework
Zara (New Zealand), Elena, Eva, Zachary, Mahir & Kane (Wales), Leo, Samson, Maxim, Artem, Dulcie, Elsie, Georgia, Theo, Sofia, Aahil, Thomas, Adrian, Isabelle, Maaz (Barbados) Maddison-Rose, Nikole, Nuftalem, Talula, Rayne, Dawood, Katy and Martyn (Kenya), Ethan, Stefan, Alicia, Daniel, Ruby-Lea, Shawaiz, Azrah, Sara (Egypt), Lara (Mexico) Sophie and Theodora (Palau), Isla (Fiji), Siyaa , Heavenly (Morocco)
Malta Star of the Week
Congratulations to Noah and Jessica who have received Malta Star of the Week for engaging in play during Forest School.
Star Writer Certificates
These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Albi (England), Kelsie (Wales), Besa (Australia), Tyler (New Zealand), Artem (Barbados), Emaan (Northern Ireland), Ahmet (Scotland), Tommy (USA), Karl, Andrew (Italy, Siam (Mexico), Sienna (Palau), Alex (Fiji), Vilte (Brazil), Edwin (Antigua), Varan (Jamaica), Lilly-Rose (Germany), Ustym, Robert and Poppy (Greece)
Star Reader Certificates
These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Charlie (England), Elena & Skyla (Wales), Akshaj (Australia), Aaliyah (New Zealand), Ruby and Nevaeh (Barbados), Amelia (Northern Ireland), Summer (Scotland), Kayleigh and Jack (USA), Stanley (Italy), Yasmin (Mexico), Andrei G (Palau), Ayan (Fiji), Zaydh (Brazil), Lillith and Freya (Antigua), Madhav (Jamaica), Samhita (Germany), Izabela (Greece)
Star Mathematician Certificates
These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Camelia (England), Marley & Leo (Wales), Sophie (Australia), Zara (New Zealand), Summer (Barbados), Ella R (Scotland), Blessing (Northern Ireland), Sadie (USA) , Theodora (Mexico), Jeremiah (Italy), Anastasia (Palau), Emmanuel (Fiji), Amaliah (Brazil), Yani (Antigua), Ava (Jamaica), Tommy (Germany), Sidiq and Elijah (Greece)
Achievement Certificates
These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Stefan (Australia), Esmay and Alessia (New Zealand), Eva, Mollie, Marley & Victoria, Ezra & Ellison (England), Sai (Northern Ireland), Charlotte, Justas and Millie (Scotland), Yara and Lilly (USA), Mohammed, Venbaa, Amber, Daniel K, Majus, Alannah & Oliver (Mexico), David and Andrei C (Palau) , Sophie, Sapphire (Morocco) Aum & Andrey (Germany)
Roll of Honour 100 Points
Well done to those children children for reaching 100 achievement points Albert, Dawood, Esther, Nikole, Penelope and Talula (Kenya), Sara and Shawaiz (Egypt), Sai, Adriana, Shree and David T (Northern Ireland), Mohammed, David, Cristian, Daniel K, Majus, Venbaa (Mexico) Aayan, Kaden (Brazil)
Mathletics Award
Golden Certificate
Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!