Friday 24 May 2024

Weekly Newsletter - 24.5.24


 Weekly Newsletter - Important Information

Friday 24th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We can’t quite believe that we have found ourselves at the end of another half term with only 1 more half term before the end of the academic year! Next half term we will start our transition processes to support the children in moving onto the next year group as well as inviting our new Reception Intake to a meeting to find out more about our school. There will be lots of dates and information shared with you so please keep a lookout at the bottom of the newsletter for those important dates. 

We hope you all have a fabulous half term and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 3rd June. 

General Election

Following the announcement by the Prime Minister that a general election will take place on 4 July, we have had to make some changes to our Summer events as Mead will be used as a Polling Station. This will mean that the school is closed to all pupils. Please see the highlighted dates below that have been rescheduled. 

Volunteers Needed

The Summer Fayre is being organised by the Friends of Mead. This year it will take place on Friday 12th July immediately after school starting at 3pm and ending at 6pm. The Friends of Mead do a wonderful job preparing for these events and all funds raised go directly to the school to support the children. If you are able to help out and volunteer please contact . The more help and support we receive the better the event, so please do help out where you can. 

Class Photographs


Carmel Jane Photography will be visiting our School on the 14th of June 2024, to take the Class Group Photos. All Parents are requested to pre-register to enable access to your child’s photographs. Pre-registration is required for every photo shoot. Registration only takes a minute.  Please visit and enter the following code:JRS8YVESX8

You will then be asked to pre-register with your child's full school register name.

Once registered, as soon as the photos are available you will receive an automatic email notification to inform you that your child's photos are now ready to be viewed and can be purchased. 

Don't miss out pre-register today!

Sports Days

Please see below for the sports day and times for each year group. Please ensure that all children have their full PE kit in school on these days. We look forward to seeing you there.

Nursery and ARP

Dates and Times to be shared separately with parents


Thursday 11th July


Year 1

Tuesday 9th July


Year 2

Monday 8th July


Year 3

Monday 8th July


Year 4

Tuesday 9th July


Year 5

Thursday 11th July


Year 6 

Friday 12th July


End of the day

Now that the weather has started to improve we are starting to have more after school clubs which will be taking place outside on the field. It is really important that all parents, carers and children leave the school premises promptly and avoid using the field where the clubs will be taking place. The gate must be locked by 3:30pm. Thank you for your understanding. 

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu 

Key Dates

Monday 27th May -31st May Half Term

Wednesday 12th June                                 Fathers day sale

Monday 24th June Year 6 Transition week

Tuesday 25th June                                       New Zealand class trip  to London Eye

Wednesday 26th June                                Palau class trip to London Eye

Tuesday 2nd July               Fiji class trip to London Eye

Thursday 4th July                                         General Election school closed for pupils

Wednesday 3rd July                                     Australia class trip to London Eye - changed

Monday 8th July                         Sports week (See information above)

Monday 8th July               Reception class trip to Old Mcdonalds farm

Wednesday 10th July Transition afternoon Years Reception - Year 5 

Friday 12th July End of Year Reports to Parent and Carers

Monday 15th July Opening Evening 3pm-4pm

Wednesday 17th July -19th July                Year 6 Residential 

Tuesday 23rd July Last Day of Summer term

Wednesday 24th July INSET DAY-School closed

INSET Dates for 2024-25

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 

Day 5

2nd September

3rd September 

4th November 

21st July 

22nd July 

Havering school term dates 2024-2025

Have a great half term!

Yours Sincerely,                 

Ms A Holmes
