Saturday 23 December 2017

Year 4 Showcase

Thank you so much to the parents, grandparents, carers and anyone else who attended the Year Four showcase.

At Mead Primary School, we believe that parental involvement is important. Ongoing research shows that family engagement in schools improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores parents' confidence in their children's education. Students with involved parents or other caregivers show greater levels of understanding, have better social skills, and show improved behaviour.

Year 4 provided an opportunity for parents/carers to come in and look at a variety of work that the children have been learning over this term. The children had to explain to their parents what they had learnt and parents were able to participate in various activities that the children had carried out previously in lessons.

The children are now more confident in sharing what they have learnt and the parents are more aware and have a better understanding of what their child has learnt in school so far.

“I enjoyed attending the show case and playing the 24 game. I understand it a lot better and want to play this at home with my child.” 
Parent A
Parent B exclaimed, “I like to see what my child has been learning as when I ask him he always says he cannot remember so this has given me an insight to his learning.”

41% of parents/carers showed up to the showcase afternoon. Out of those, 100% agreed that they enjoyed the showcase and they now have a better understanding of what their child has been learning.

After looking at feedback from parents/carers Mead School will be facilitating reading workshops in the spring term and in the summer term, Year 4 will be providing parents/carers with another showcase opportunity, which will include some areas of PE, music and individual children’s progress.

“I enjoyed my mum coming to see all my work. She was proud. Next time she comes in, I want to show her even more of my learning.”