Monday, 24 February 2020

Year 3 Life Skills Lessons Tomorrow

Dear Parents and Carers,

In Year 3, the children will be completing life skills lessons each term.

This half term, the children will be focusing on washing up.

We have decided to link this objective to pancake day.

Therefore, the children will be given the opportunity to select toppings for

and eat pancakes, before washing up.

These lessons will take place tomorrow ( Tuesday the 25th of February).

Please sign the permission slip that will be sent home with your

child today (Monday 24th February 2020), and return it by tomorrow (25.02.20),

to indicate that you are happy to let your child make and eat pancakes during this lesson.

Tasting foods is not compulsory, and religious restrictions and allergies will be taken into account.

Please indicate any allergies and/or religious restrictions on the permission slip.

Kind Regards,

Year 3 team.