Ryan in Chile class has recommended a non fiction book he really enjoyed to read!
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Friday, 28 February 2020
Year 6 spellings
Please find below spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings every day. The children will be tested on these words next Friday 6th March.
On Thursday 12th March the children in key stages 1 and 2 will be completing a sponsored run to raise money for Sport Relief. A letter will be going home today, along with a sponsor form. Please look out for it in your child's bag.
fund raising,
Mead World book day

World Book Day March 5th 2020
Remember to sort out your costume for World book day.
World Book is next Thursday 5th March
There will be prizes for the best costumes.
Update from Head Girl and Head Boy 28.2.20
Hello all,
Welcome back to our weekly blog.
This week we have been learning about these following topics
. The effect smoking can have on the body in science
. The story of Kensuke's Kingdom in literacy
In Science, we used a doll to demonstrate the effects nicotine has on the body so when she inhaled in her “lungs,” we got to see the horrible side effects and extracts left. This was a very fascinating lesson and showed the negative consequences of smoking.
The story of Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, our focus author, was a great read with the class. It told a tale about a boy and his family going on a yacht around the world with some problems and dilemmas on the way. Can you imagine getting home from school to be told that you are going on a sailing trip around the world? This was the story line we were using to write our pieces in literacy with our ideas and predictions on the way!
This week we have been learning about these following topics
. The effect smoking can have on the body in science
. The story of Kensuke's Kingdom in literacy
In Science, we used a doll to demonstrate the effects nicotine has on the body so when she inhaled in her “lungs,” we got to see the horrible side effects and extracts left. This was a very fascinating lesson and showed the negative consequences of smoking.
The story of Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, our focus author, was a great read with the class. It told a tale about a boy and his family going on a yacht around the world with some problems and dilemmas on the way. Can you imagine getting home from school to be told that you are going on a sailing trip around the world? This was the story line we were using to write our pieces in literacy with our ideas and predictions on the way!
Thank you for reading.
We will be back next week with more of our learning!
Louis and Karla
(Head Boy and Head Girl)
We will be back next week with more of our learning!
Louis and Karla
(Head Boy and Head Girl)
Weekly Newsletter 28th Feburary
Weekly Newsletter
28th February 2020
Dear Parents,
Welcome back, I hope you had a restful half term and are ready for what appears to be a very busy Spring.
Please ensure that you are driving and parking with care outside of the school gates, we want to make sure that all of our children and families stay safe. Please do not park on the yellow lines or across people’s drives. Thank You!
Shared mailboxes and communication
Don’t forget that you can contact staff using the shared mailboxes. They are checked daily and can be used to ask questions, pass on information or check details:
World Book Day is Thursday 5th March this year and Havering Catering service have put on a special menu to celebrate the day-See below:
Red - Sausage baguette
Blue - Hunters chicken with rice
Green - Cheesy quesadilla with potato dippers
Baked beans
Peas and sweetcorn
Iced sprinkled sponge
Remember to dress up as your favourite book character!We look forward to seeing the children in their wonderful costumes.
Diary Dates
Monday - Year 5 parents are invited in for a second meeting for the Mersea residential.
Tuesday - Year 6 will be taking part in a crime workshop with the police.
Wednesday- Today the whole school will participate in NSPCC workshops. Year 3 pupils are attending forest school.
Thursday- World book day! At 8:30am Reception parents are welcome to participate in the stay and read in the classrooms . Nursery parents are welcome to come back and read with their child at 10.45 or 2.30.
Friday- EAL coffee morning in the KS2 hall. EYFS are hosting a dementia coffee morning inthe KS1 hall between 8.30 and 10.00. Everybody is welcome to stay and have a chat.Any donations of bought cakes and biscuits will be gratefully received.
INSET Dates for 2019-20
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1- 4th September
INSET day 2- 3rd April
INSET day 3- 20th July
INSET day 4-21st July
INSET day 5- 22nd July
Please note that the final day of the summer term for pupils will be on Friday 17th July, 2020.
Term Dates 2019-20
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 2nd March is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.25.
Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.
Havering catering Service now provides a breakfast club for Mead pupils. For £1.50 your child can have a bacon or sausage sandwich or beans on toast or cereal or toast or fresh fruit or yoghurt plus a drink.
We will also have speciality days when other items such as pancakes and muffins will be available.
In order for you to book a place you will need to deposit the money in advance in your Squid account.
Please do not send your child to school to attend breakfast club if there are no funds in your account as they will not be admitted.
A message from Havering Catering Service
We would like to reassure parents whose child may have a Dairy Allergy or Intolerance that the School Kitchen only use Dairy Free Sunflower Spread at Breakfast Club and Lunch time.
Key Diary Dates for this term
Monday 24th February -Back to school-Swimming starts
Monday 23rd March -Last swimming session this half term
Monday 30th/Tuesday31st March -Parent afternoon/evenings
Friday 3rd April - Inset Day-school closed
Monday 6th -Friday 17th April-Easter holidays-School closed
Monday 20th April -Back to school
Well done to Chile class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 96.9% . Germany had the highest attendance in LKS2 at 96.2% and Australia had the highest attendance in KS1 at 95.3% Well done to them!
The overall attendance was really disappointing at only 91.7% which is significantly below our target!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Parent Forum,
House Points winners
Well done to Oak who won the house cup this week with a fantastic score of 1,695 points!
Tracker Awards
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Lottie in Egypt and Maxim in Kenya . Well done to them!
Zachary and Alexis in Egypt. receive Gold Tracker certificates in recognition of the fantastic effort they have made in learning.
Max and David in Egypt, Bella in Madagascar receive their Platinum Tracker certificates.
Certificate of Presentation
Well done to Isabel and Izampela in Australia, Poppy in Jamaica, Logan and Bailey in Germany, Ava P in Scotland class, Beau in USA, Emilia in Barbados and Sandra in St Lucia who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.
Reading Awards
The following pupils have read 10 books and receive a bookmark for their efforts, Esther in Jamaica, Riley in Egypt, Diamond in Australia, Frazer and Amira in Palau and Neraya in St Lucia.
Aubree and Moksha in Barbados, Zachary, Lara and Katherine in Egypt, Harrison in Palau, Malakai in Jamaica, Tyler in Australia,, Mahir in Wales. Chanel in Kenya, Jacob in Madagscar, Daniel B in Northern Ireland, Rayya and William in St Lucia and David in New Zealand have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Bogdan in Egypt, Alex in Australia, Nicole in Wales. Ajus and Mihaela in U.S.A, Zac, Summer and Arjya in Madagascar who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Joshua in Australia, Jacob in U.S.A, Maya and Victoria in Madagascar have read 75 books and she gets a book of her choice for her fantastic effort.
A massive well done to this week’s gold reader Logan in Jamaica who have read 100 books and received a gold certificate and a trophy for their efforts.
Parent Forum,
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados Carla
Wales -Charlie
Jamaica- Samhita
Scotland- Adam
St Lucia- Neraya
Germany- Akunna
New Zealand -Luke
Greece -Brooke T
Australia -Gracie
Italy -Kezrae
Palau - Harrison
U.S.A -Samuel
Madagascar -Lola
Canada- Nina
Egypt -David
Mexico -Aliyah
Kenya -Eddy
Chile -Harry
N. Ireland -Kajus
Brazil -Maryam
Argentina- Gene
Malta -Jessica
Star Writers Awards
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer, Aum in Jamaica, Amaan in Barbados, Kadisha in Germany, Kristupas in Australia, Dev in Egypt, Antony in Palau, Coby in St Lucia, Michelle and Sky in Kenya, Maliha in Brazil, Charlotte in Wales, Harry in Scotland, Leona in Northern Ireland, Jacob in U.S.A, Alexa in Greece, Dollie in Italy, Chloe in Madagascar, Amira in Chile, Keeley in New Zealand, Afsheen in Argentina, Summer in Canada and Harry in Mexico. Look out for examples of their work on the blog!
Star Writer
Learning Power Awards
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Well done to Natas in Kenya, River in Germany, Jared in Madagascar, Daniel in Egypt and Joseph in Malta who receive certificates for resilience and Mihrac and Ronnie in Argentina, Aaliyah in Germany, who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.
Parent Forum,
Wow Awards
I have made my teacher happy/WOW Award
Layla - For completing her maths challenge homework
Kajus - For completing additional work at home
Arsalaan and Moksha in Barbados class -For coming into school and completing their morning routine independently
Poppy, Ralph, Isla, Grace and Aisha - For completing their maths challenge at home
Logan and Visha - For moving up a book band
Isla, Leya and Leona - all in Jamaica class - For coming into school and completing their morning routine independently
Sienna in Egypt - For bingo homework
Brea and George in Germany - For getting 12/12 on their spellings every week since the start of the year.
Ryan in Australia - For completing his homework bingo
Indigo, Isabel, Kristupas and Izampela - Moved up a book level
Rayyan in Wales - For completing homework.
Lexi, Lukas and Rayyan - For moving up a book band
Filip in Scotland - Confident singing in music
Beau in U.S.A - For improved presentation.
Victoria in Madagascar - For Bingo homework
Jacob in Madagascar -For moving up a book band
Alice and Jett in New Zealand -For moving up a book band.
Dora in St Lucia - For her home learning
Zuzanna -For moving up a book band
Hannah in Argentina -For looking up the meaning of her spellings and putting them into sentences
Mia in Canada -For her excellent focus and perseverance in all lessons
Hennessy in Canada- For being kind and helpful to other members of the class
Ruby A in Chile - For her research on our composer of the week Vivaldi
Nicole, Ivan and Dollie in Italy Class - From completing some of the learning challenge homework.
EYFS coffee morning reminder
Time for a Cuppa
A friendly reminder that this Friday we will be holding a coffee morning for our Nursery and Reception parents.This will take place in the Key stage 1 hall and the hall will be open between 8.30 and 10.00am. This is a good opportunity to meet up with friends and have a well deserved break and a cuppa whilst at the same time supporting a really good cause.
We would appreciate any donations of bought cakes and biscuits
We look forward to seeing you then.
Year 1 Star Writers
Year 1 Star Writers
This week's Year 1 Star Writers are...
Kristupas from Australia
for his letter writing.
Keeley from New Zealand
For her letter writing.
Well done Year 1!
Star Writer,
Nursery stay and play
Nursery Mother's Day Stay and Play
On Friday 20th March we will be holding a Mother's day themed stay and play for parents to come and spend some time in Nursery with their child.
There will be a range of Mother's day related activities for you to do with your child and it gives a great opportunity for you to see all the fantastic learning that has been happening this term.
We will be having a morning session from 9.00am-10.30am
and an afternoon session from 1.00pm-2.30pm.
Please only attend one session.
You will be able to take your child home after the session if you wish to do so, but you will be unable to take older siblings early.
If your child has a 30 hour place, please note you can attend either the AM or PM session.
You do not have to stay for the entire session, if you can only stay for an hour that is fine, and Mums/Dads/Nans/Grandads etc are welcome. If you have younger children they are permitted to come in with you but please leave buggies outside.
Please save the date to your diary so that you don't miss out on this very special opportunity to interact with your child whilst they play and learn.
stay and play
Year 4 Reading Questions

Here are the reading questions for this week:
Fiction books:
1. Do you think the title is a good title for the story? Why/why not?
2. What were the most important parts of the story?
3. Is the story written in first, second or third person? How do you know?
Non Fiction:
1. What does the author want you to know once you've finished the book?
2. What is the most interesting thing you learned from the book? Why?
3. The author has asked you to write a paragraph about the topic. What would you choose to write about?
Reception stay and play
Reception Mother's Day Stay and Play
On Friday 20th March, we will be holding a Mother's day themed stay and play for parents to come and spend some time in Reception with their child.
There will be a range of Mother's day related activities for you to do with your child and it gives a great opportunity for you to see all the fantastic learning that has been happening this term.
We will be having a morning session from 9.00am-10.30am
and an afternoon session from 1.15pm-2.30pm.
Please only attend one session.
You do not have to stay for the entire session and Mums/Dads/Nans/Grandads etc are welcome to attend. If you have younger children they are permitted to come in with you but please leave buggies outside.
Please save the date to your diary so that you don't miss out on this very special opportunity to interact with your child whilst they play and learn.
stay and play
Reception Star Writers
done to our reception children who continue to apply all they are
learning in their written work to become thoughtful and resilient
star writers this week have demonstrated good developing phonic
knowledge to segment and write some challenging words as well as showing
great progress with letter formation and name writing.
Star Writer
Reception Maths Challenge
Parents/Carers of children in reception
Each week we will publish a weekly 'maths challenge'. These challenges will consist of short practical activities for your child to complete at home and will help your child to see maths as fun. The challenges relate to the different areas of learning within our curriculum: Numbers and Shape, space and measures (SSM). You can repeat the activity as many times as your child wants to and please feel free to change and adapt the ideas to suit your child's interest, what you have in your house and their current level of development. If your child would like to represent their thinking on paper let them do so in their own way. For example, they might not want to write numbers, but they might want to draw to communicate their mathematical thinking.
Next week our focus in maths will be identifying one more/less than a given number. Here are a few challenges which your child might choose to complete:
Make a number line to 20, stand at 0 and ask a grown-up to call out a number and then jump to it. Can you work out which number is 1 less? Move to that number, say it out loud and write it down.
Build a tower with 7 bricks. Can you build two more towers of bricks, one that uses one less than 7 bricks and one that uses one more than 7? Can you put these in an order? What do you notice?
There are 6 frogs on a log. One jumps into the pond. How many frogs are left on the log? Can you draw a picture to show the number of frogs?
maths challenge,
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Year Six Reading Challenge

The questions to ask your child while you are reading with them this week are:
Within the fiction text you are reading:
Why did the author choose this setting? Will that influence the story?
Within the non fiction text you are reading:
Which words do you think are most important? Why?
Happy reading year 6!
Science Week 2020! Years 1-6
Dear Parents/Carers,
To celebrate British Science Week, we are running a whole school science based learning challenge where the children can pick one or more of the challenges below to complete at home. This year’s theme is ‘Our Diverse Planet’. We want to encourage young people to celebrate the amazing diversity we see across the world. From biodiversity to cultural and societal diversity, from the diversity of knowledge to STEM careers and subjects. There are lots of ways to explore this theme - we’d love to hear some of your ideas too!.
This year we are holding a Science Week Roadshow on Friday 13th March, where children can bring in science projects they have made, created and tested at home to share with parents and other pupils in the school.
There are some great websites to get inspiration from including:
1. Design and present your own science project for our Science Week Roadshow.
Of course you can be as creative as you like but any ideas linked to the theme ‘Our Diverse Planet’ would be fantastic! Your project must be eye-catching, colourful, neatly presented and interactive (if possible!).
Your project could involve any of the four STEM subjects, Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
*A prediction of what you think will happen (hypothesis)
*Equipment needed
*Method of how to carry out your investigation
*Results – Was your prediction correct? Why?
*A conclusion of what you have learned!
Your investigation can be practical and something that can be shown in our roadshow.
*A person you have heard about in the news.
*A significant person with a STEM career or who has achieved something unbelievable.
2. Design a poster for this year’s British Science Week Poster Competition on the theme ‘Our Diverse Planet’.
Get creative and enter the British Science Association’s annual poster competition, on the theme of journeys (more details on: https://www.britishscienceweek.org/plan-your-activities/poster-competition/ ).
The 5 best posters from our school will be entered into the UK-wide competition with the chance for students to win an array of prizes, or you can enter your poster at home yourself.
Any entries for our Science Week Roadshow will be due by Tuesday 10th March 2020. KS2 entries are to be given to Mrs Hillyear and KS1 entries are to be given to Miss Redgrave. Good luck! Try to be as creative as possible and think outside the box! We look forward to seeing some fantastic entries this year!
To celebrate British Science Week, we are running a whole school science based learning challenge where the children can pick one or more of the challenges below to complete at home. This year’s theme is ‘Our Diverse Planet’. We want to encourage young people to celebrate the amazing diversity we see across the world. From biodiversity to cultural and societal diversity, from the diversity of knowledge to STEM careers and subjects. There are lots of ways to explore this theme - we’d love to hear some of your ideas too!.
This year we are holding a Science Week Roadshow on Friday 13th March, where children can bring in science projects they have made, created and tested at home to share with parents and other pupils in the school.
There are some great websites to get inspiration from including:
- https://www.oxfordsparks.ox.ac.uk/sites/oxfordsparks.ox.ac.uk/files/STEM%20Futures%20brochure.WEB_.12Sep_1.pdf
- https://primarylibrary.crestawards.org/all-superstar-challenges/61747644
- https://www.britishscienceweek.org/plan-your-activities/activity-packs/
1. Design and present your own science project for our Science Week Roadshow.
Of course you can be as creative as you like but any ideas linked to the theme ‘Our Diverse Planet’ would be fantastic! Your project must be eye-catching, colourful, neatly presented and interactive (if possible!).
Your project could involve any of the four STEM subjects, Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
- You could create a model or prototype.
You will need to include:
*Information on your design including it’s purpose
*How your design functions and how you have tested it
*Reflection on your design including any challenges you faced and how you could improve it.
Some examples made in University of Mead STEM Squad group will be on show, which includes an electrical quiz board and a cardboard prosthetic hand invention.
- You could design and set up your own science investigation.
*A prediction of what you think will happen (hypothesis)
*Equipment needed
*Method of how to carry out your investigation
*Results – Was your prediction correct? Why?
*A conclusion of what you have learned!
Your investigation can be practical and something that can be shown in our roadshow.
- A well presented information board
*A person you have heard about in the news.
*A significant person with a STEM career or who has achieved something unbelievable.
2. Design a poster for this year’s British Science Week Poster Competition on the theme ‘Our Diverse Planet’.
Get creative and enter the British Science Association’s annual poster competition, on the theme of journeys (more details on: https://www.britishscienceweek.org/plan-your-activities/poster-competition/ ).
The 5 best posters from our school will be entered into the UK-wide competition with the chance for students to win an array of prizes, or you can enter your poster at home yourself.
Any entries for our Science Week Roadshow will be due by Tuesday 10th March 2020. KS2 entries are to be given to Mrs Hillyear and KS1 entries are to be given to Miss Redgrave. Good luck! Try to be as creative as possible and think outside the box! We look forward to seeing some fantastic entries this year!
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Hillyear & Miss Redgrave
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