Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Daniel W, Lola St, Maxim, Luka, Michelle, Riley, Natas, Tommy, Joshua, Hayday, Danial O and Cattleya in Australia Sienna and Michael in Palau and Faaiz in N.Ireland
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Leona in Madagascar and Magdalena in Greece
Well done to them!
Sophie in Kenya, Rocco in Madagascar, Amelia in Mexico and Mihrac in Canada receive Gold Tracker certificates in recognition of the fantastic effort they have made in learning.
Platinum-Emilia and Havin in Greece Class and Shay in N.Ireland have completed their Platinum trackers-A fantastic achievement
A massive well done to Dami and Kajus in Madagascar who have worked exceptionally hard and completed their Diamond trackers

Platinum-Emilia and Havin in Greece Class and Shay in N.Ireland have completed their Platinum trackers-A fantastic achievement
A massive well done to Dami and Kajus in Madagascar who have worked exceptionally hard and completed their Diamond trackers