Nursery Newsletter -Summer 2 Week 5

We hope you are having a lovely weekend and enjoying the beautiful weather It looks like continuing into this week so please put some sun cream on your child before Nursery.We will of course keep an eye on the amount of sun the children are having and ensure there is plenty of water available for them.
Last week we enjoyed listening to the story of `Commotion in the Ocean`.
As we are now entering July we will be starting our Transition to Reception programme.We will be preparing the children for their move and reading some stories about starting school .We will also be reading some Sports day stories in preperation for Friday`s sports day.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Sports day on Friday.The Sports day starts at 9.30 and we encourage you to stay on afterwards for a picnic.All children are invited to attend the morning session on Friday.
As part of our transition programmethe thc children are invited to attend a picnic with their new teacher .Children that attend the morning session are free to come back for the afternoon.Please come to gate 3 at 1.00.
Monday 8th July – Barbados class picnic at Central park
Tuesday 9th July – Jamaica class picnic at Central park
Thursday 11th July – St Lucia class picnic at Central park

.Please remember to call the office if your child is unwell this saves office staff a lot of time in making phone calls home.
Important dates:
Wednesday 26th June-6p.m Moving into Reception meeting
Nursery Sports Day and picnic-5th July
Tuesday16th July-Nursery Graduation(More details to follow)
Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
If you would like to contact a member of staff please email on eyfs@mead.havering.sch.uk
3rd September
4th September
7th January
29th April
3rd June
Our Superstars of the week were Ria and Deja.Well done to both of the girls.