Ed, who is 83 years old, came from a very humble beginning to build up his own multi million pound company which allowed him to pursue his love of aeroplanes. He was able to renovate and fly a spit fire as well as lots of other light aircraft, and took part in lots of aerobatic displays and competitions.
He was very proud when he told us that he has lunched with Prince Phillip and met Princess Diana.
Peter has just retired from his job as an airline pilot. While still at school he worked on Romford Market to save enough money to have flying lessons and when he told one of his teachers his dream was to become a pilot she suggested it was impossible. However he worked hard, was able to achieve his dream and returned to the school some time later to advise his teacher he had fulfilled his dream!
The children sat absolutely enthralled throughout the session and asked some very interesting questions.
The moral was very much-anything is achievable with the right mindset and lots of hard work- I wonder if any of our children have such wonderful aspirations?
At the end we were presented with a model 737 plane and a signed photo of Ed's spitfire which will be displayed in school for all to see and I have had a lovely e-mail from Ed and Peter praising the children for their exemplary behaviour and their very sensible questions.Well done everyone.