Vlad in Barbados, Ted, Ryan, Maathumai, Tyler and Gracie in St Lucia, Jayden and Evie in Egypt, Paige in Australia and Hayden, Anastasia and Brooke in Wales have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Daniel O in Australia, Afnan and Olivia in Scotland and Melisa and Matvejs, Dinuki in Wales who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Rebekha in Germany, Wajeeha in Germany and Nicole in Egypt have read 75 books and they get books of their choice for their fantastic effort.
A massive well done to Vansh in Madagascar for reading over 200 books.
Emilia, Abigail, Harman and Havin in Greece Class have completed the reading scheme and are now Free Readers