Tuesday 3 January 2017

Year 3 Make Maths Museums

Today in maths, Scotland class have been representing 3 digit numbers using lots of different resources. The children had to think creatively and self-select their own resources to make their number museums, before showing them off to the rest of the class. They hid the numbers first of all to see if the other children could guess their number from their museum.
 Some children self-selecting resources.

'The easiest way to make our number was by using multi-link to show the partitioning.' –Amy-Leigh

'The most difficult part for me was when I used the measuring the jugs to show 444. It was tricky to get the exact amount.'- Ryan 

'Some people tried to trick us by putting the numbers in a different order. I really enjoyed making my number using my imagination!' –Wilson

Can you guess this 3 digit number represented by Maryam, Frankie and Wilson?