Stars 10th Anniversary Logo Badge Competition.
The theme for this year's logo badge design competition is
'How does STARS get young London moving?'
STARS is a scheme run by TFL (Transport for London) . It stands for
Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe.
STARS encourages the whole school community to think differently about their travel choices and how these can impact their health, well being and the local environment.
It encourages young people to choose active travel modes, such as walking, cycling and scooting to school.
Using public transport or Park and Stride (park further away from school and walk ) can also help reduce congestion and pollution around the school gates.
- Make your logo BOLD and SIMPLE.
- You can use pencils, crayons , pens or felt tips.
- The badge will be 5.5cm in length
- It should be memorable, people should just glance at it and be able to remember it.
- It should be creative. Have a look online at other logos to see what others have done, then come up with something different.
- Do a draft, get some feedback, improve your design then make a best copy
- If you haven't yet been given an entry form, ask your class teacher.
Entries must handed to Mrs Eubanks or Ms Harding by MONDAY 21ST NOVEMBER.
Members of the Travel Team will choose 1 winner for the school, to be sent away to TFL for a chance to be the overall winner and be used as the logo next year.
We will choose 10 runners up, to receive a cycle or scooter extra playtime.
All entries will receive 3 house points.