Sunday 1 March 2020

Reception Newsletter Spring 2 Week 2




We hope you have had a lovely weekend, despite the weather. It was lovely to welcome all the children back and seeing lots of them coming into school and completing their morning routines independently.

The children had a busy first week back, meeting Sophie the T-Rex, Mia the Triceratops and they thoroughly enjoyed eating their pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. We have another busy week ahead so please make sure you are familiar with our diary dates so you do not miss anything!

Here is a quick look at this week's upcoming dates:
Thursday 5th - Stay and read and World Book Day. Your child can come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book and they can also bring in their favourite book to read with you.

There is also a special world book day menu: 
 BFG's Sausage Baguette
Snow White & The Huntsman Hunters Chicken and Rice
Biff & Chip's Cheesy Quesadilla with potato dippers

Friday 6th - Dementia coffee morning - We are asking parents to come and help support this amazing cause by either bringing in a shop bought cake or some biscuits to share and have a catch up amongst friends.

We will continue with our topic on dinosaurs by reading the story "Dinosaurs love underpants", the children will continue to showcase their knowledge about dinosaurs by producing some fact files, create some patterns and design their own underpants as well as delving into some sensory play.

In Read, write inc the children are settling into their new groups and progressing well at their own level.

In maths this week we will continue our focus of using a number line, identifying the number which is 1 more/less. Please continue to send in any maths challenges your child completes at home, it is lovely for them to share their learning with their peers.

We thank your continued understanding and cooperation in leaving pushchairs at the door. It would be nice to see the children coming into school on their own now. Obviously if you need to speak to a class adult that is fine but we know that most of our children are more than ready to be independent with their morning jobs. We will continue to praise the children that manage to do this on their own.

School Uniform Reminder - 

Please be reminded that children are expected to continue to wear the appropriate uniform of:

  • Black or grey trousers (Joggers in Nursery)
  • White polo shirt with a bottle green jumper or cardigan
  • Black shoes or plain black trainers (no boots)
  • Black or grey skirt/dress 
  • Plain tights

Children will not be permitted to wear Hoodies.

Only plain school coloured head bands can be worn- no oversized bows.

Only studs can we worn in school, please make sure these are removed for PE.

Please ensure children do not have makeup on or acrylic/painted nails.

Uniform will be given to those children who do not wear the correct uniform in the morning and will need to be returned before the end of school.

We will be using the Havering school menu which the children bought home. This week we are on Week 1 of the menu. Monday’s choices are:
Pork Sausages with Mash Potato
Ravioli Pasta (VE)
Vegetable Fingers with Mash Potato

A little reminder we have our PE sessions every Thursday. Could you please ensure your child has their P.E kits back in school ready for their lesson and if your child wears earrings they are removed on PE days.

INSET Dates for 2019-20

4th September
3rd April
20th July
21st July
22nd July

Last day of the summer term will be Friday 17th July 2020.
You can access Havering term dates for 2019-2010 here:

Dates for your diary
Spring 2

Thursday 5th March
Stay and read and World Book Day
Friday 6th March
EYFS parents’ coffee morning in aid of dementia
Monday 9th March
Barbados class visit Waterstones
Tuesday 10th March
St Lucia class visit Waterstones
Wednesday 11th March
Jamaica class visit Waterstone
Friday 20th March
Mother’s Day stay and play
Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st
Parents evening – more details to follow
Thursday 2nd April
Easter bonnet parade
Thursday 2nd April
School closes for Easter at 3pm
Monday 20th April
School reopens for Summer Term

Our learning objectives this term will be listed under these headings:

Personal, Social and Emotional:

Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.

Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities

Can usually adapt behaviour to different events, social situations and changes in routine.

Communication and Language:

Joins in with repeated refrains.

Can retell a simple story.

Builds up vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences.


Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.

Beginning to be aware of the way stories are structured.

Joins in with repeated refrains and anticipated key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.

Physical Development:

Forms recognisable letters.

Can usually manage washing and drying hands.

Runs skilfully and negotiates spaces successfully.


To confidently count to 20 and beyond demonstrating place value.

Says the number which is 1 more than a given number.

Finds 1 more or 1 less from a group of up to 5 objects and then 10 objects.

Understanding the World:

Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experiences.

Shows an interest in different ways of life.

Can talk about some of the things they have observed.

Expressive arts and design:

Constructs with a purpose in mind.

Manipulates material to achieve a planned effect.

Explores colour and how colour can be changed

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Reception Team