Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Home Learning
Home Learning
We have had a few queries regarding home learning whilst self isolation takes place. Whilst we appreciate and actively support the need for you to continue your child's education at home, we cannot send home individual packs for all children absent at this point. Below are some recommendations for you to support learning at home.
Try to have a routine. Follow this link to a great blog that shows how an ex-teacher/mum of three young children plans to fill her day with a mix of learning and play during a period of isolation. It is not necessary to follow it to the letter but it will certainly give us all some ideas.
Recommendations for home learning during self - isolation:
continue to read and share stories with your child daily.
online phonics apps such as phonic play
play puzzles and board games
set up a treasure hunt
Create a number spider web
continue to read and share stories with your child daily.
learn weekly spelling as these will continue to be blogged
continue with Mathletics and RockStars
play puzzles and board games
use Scholastic for some pictures to write some sentences about. The 'secret doorway' picture looks intriguing. What do you think is behind it?
continue to read and share stories with your child daily.
learn weekly spelling as these will continue to be blogged
continue with Mathletics and RockStars
use Once Upon A Picture or The Literacy Shed to inspire some creative story writing. The lady stuck in the bottle looks like an interesting one! How did she get in there? Was it a trap?
What happens if the school has to close?
We’ll only close if we’re either officially advised to do so or we don’t have enough staff to run the school. In either case, we will message parents through the blog, by letter or by Facebook and place a message on the school website. In the event of a closure, we will have work packs prepared for your child alongside our our online advice. We will of course update you with this information if needed.
Please keep in mind that we’re only sending out this information to help the school community prepare. There are currently no plans to close but being prepared and equipped for this possibility is essential.