Lukas in U.S.A -For independent homework
Kira in Greece -For finding facts on space
Lily in Greece -For finding facts on Judaism
Millie, Alexis, Sienna,Siddi, Fareeda and Eva in Palau -For moving up a book level
Seb, Samuel, Jared, Arjya, Tehzeeb, Oghomwen, Maya, Tristan, Bella-Leigh, Rose, Hausa, Sofia in New Zealand -For moving up a book level.
Arthur in New Zealand -For trying really hard in maths and RWI
Kajus, Dami, Jovan, Yanis, Louie and Daniel B in Madagascar -For moving up a book band
Ella, Chase and Feroz in Egypt -For moving up a book band.
Ali, Alexander, Lily, Michael and Harry in Kenya -For moving up a book level.
Jaime and Daniella in N.Ireland -For fantastic maths homework
Leo, Devor, Daniel W, Haydar, Linh and Cattleya in Australia -For moving up a book band