Thursday 4 October 2018

Reception go on a bear hunt.....

                               We’re going on bear hunt,
                               We’re going to catch a big one!
                               What a beautiful day,
                               We’re not scared….

What an exciting morning the children in Reception had. We put on our coats, got our binoculars out, checked we had a phone (in case of emergency!) and headed off in search of a bear. The children were heard chanting the story and recalling key narratives as they headed off on their adventure. We searched through long wavy grass; we went splash splosh through the river and into the squelchy mud. Through a swirly whirly snowstorm and then into a big dark forest before we came across what looked like a gloomy cave. We have some very brave children as they all went to search inside the cave only to find…….a friendly BEAR!!!!!!! “I liked the snowstorm said Eduard “because I liked the glitter”.  Matthew was heard saying “I liked the river the best”.

 I think it’s safe to say a great time was had by all, although Gracie said “We are never going on a bear hunt again!!”.