year Mead School had 26 children taking the ABRSM exams.
ABRSM is the UK’s largest music education body,
one of its largest music publishers and the world’s leading provider of music
exams, offering assessment to over 600,000 candidates in over 90 countries
every year.
Our students took piano, singing and theory exams
showing a range of interlocking skills in performance, notation, listening and
musical perception –as well as knowledge, understanding and creativity. They
all passed the exams and some obtained fantastic results (Distinction). As a
school we are very proud of their achievement and would like to congratulate
them and share this amazing news with everybody.
Our Stars are: Mihaela, Jasmine and Hamit from
Italy class, Anya, Marley and Havin from Greece class, Harrison, Kaylin and
Kristupas from Germany class,
Alexandrina from Brazil class, Kian from Argentina class, Raul from Chile
class, Giovanna, Alexandra, Tanisha and Cerys from Mexico class and former year
6 students - Amelia, Jessica, Aimee, Rianne and Precious.