As part of Black History Month Year 3 have been learning about some inspirational black British women. They wrote fact files about the author Malorie Blackman, space scientist Maggie Alderin-Pocock, nurse Mary Seacole and Paralympian sprinter and cyclist Kadeena Cox. Nubian even completed some wonderful work at home.
In our DT lessons this half term the children in year 3 have been very busy. Firstly, they learnt all about nutrition and the different food groups. They then designed their own sandwich and wrote instructions for making them. After that they made their delicious and nutritious creations before enjoying them at our class tea parties. Finally they evaluated their sandwiches, coming up with some fantastic ideas on how they could make them even better. Well done year three!
This week, Year 1 have been writing instructions so that Little Red Riding Hood can make jam sandwiches to take to her Granny. At the beginning of the week they gave instructions to their friends and learned the importance of giving clear instructions in the correct order when making their own jam sandwich. Well done Year 1, your sandwiches looked delicious!
Year one learnt about seasonal changes this week during our science lessons.
We investigated the changes that take place during our current season Autumn.
We took the learning outside to observe the current weather conditions and changes to the trees as well as the drop in temperature and filled our pumpkins with lovely autumnal leaves.