Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer. Well done to David (Northern Ireland), Freddie (Scotland), Ezra (Barbados) Amelia and Jessica (Jamaica) Rosie (Antigua) Yannis (Egypt), Mahir (Germany), Constantine, (Australia), Faaiz (Mexico), Amry (Wales), Ali (Italy), Vlad (Kenya), Ema (Greece), Reinaldas (Brazil), Inaya (St Lucia), Layla (Madagascar), Tyler (USA), Austeja (Canada), Hope (Chile), Kris (Argentina)
Congratulations to these children who have demonstrated one of our four learning skills.
Reciprocity | Logan (Canada) |
Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest children who have achieved their Tracker Awards. We are very proud of their achievements!
Logan, (Australia)
Macie and Lena (Mexico)
Alishba (Mexico)
Isabel (Egypt)
Certificate of Presentation
Well done to Bentley (Scotland), Destini (Northern Ireland) Riley and Renesmee (Egypt), Grace, Hollie and Lily (Australia) who have presented their work beautifully.
Reading Awards
Reading is one of the most important skills we can teach our children. We are very proud of the children below who have demonstrated a real commitment to their reading. Well done!
10 books read. They receive a bookmark. | Eva and Robert (Jamaica), Summer (Mexico) and Kiyah (USA) |
25 books read. They receive a Bronze Reading Award. | Sky (Northern Ireland), Blessing and Tejan (Jamaica), Lilly (Greece) and Kezrae (Mexico) |
50 books read. They receive a Silver Reading Award and a £5 book token. | Bogdan (Scotland), Haydar (Northern Ireland) Reggie and Joanna (Jamaica) Saam (Kenya), Clovis and Justas (St Lucia) and Maria (Madagascar) |
75 books read. They receive a book of their choice. | David (Northern Ireland), Millie and Inaya (St Lucia), Ryan, Layla and Todor (Madagascar) |
100 books read. They receive a Gold Reading Award and a trophy. | Dev (Scotland) Jessica and Mahir (Jamaica), Amira (Kenya), Millie,Lenny M and Violet (St Lucia) and Muhammad (Madagascar) |
150 books read. They receive a Platinum Certificate and a trophy. This is some achievement! | Sophia (Scotland), Amelia D (St Lucia) and Merkhima (Madagascar) |
Mathletics Award
Yet more fantastic achievements, this time for Maths. Excellent work!
Bronze certificate | Amelia, Sandra, Ignacy and Dora (New Zealand), Henry, Justas, Lenny M and Akhila (St Lucia), Zakariya, Victoria and Manha (Antigua), Olivia, Zelda, Emilia, Sebastian and Elwin (Barbados), Yoyinsola (Antigua), Isabel and Maryam (Egypt), Aisha, Poppy, Logan, Natalia, Damira, Grace, Andrey and Shay (Australia), Nuhaa and Moksha (Palau), Muhammad, Majus and Alexander (Madagascar), Saam and Honey (Kenya), Nathan and David (Jamaica), Bogdan, Max, Olivia, Sophia, Dev and Zachary (Scotland), Gabriel, Natas and Ivan (Northern Ireland), Oghomwen and Jacov (Wales) Milana (Mexico), Zahi, Harry, Hayden, Emily, Louisa, Dinuki, Eliie-Mae, Rehan, Lenny, Tyler, Taylor and Jake (USA), Afnan, Andriana, Olivia, Austeja and George (Canada) |
Silver certificate | Domas (Barbados), Hollie-Rae and Aum (Australia), Daniel K and Daniel R (Madagascar), Anna (Kenya), Jessica and Mahir (Jamaica), Dev (Scotland), Zahi, Lenny and Taylor (USA), George (Canada) |
Gold certificate | Ella (New Zealand), Janisha (Madagascar), |
WOW! Award
Child/Children | Reason |
Olivia (Scotland) | For reading 125 books! |
Tyler, Charlotte F, Izampela and Diamond (Egypt) Yannis (Egypt) | Moving up a book band. Amazing maths. |
Evelin | Moving up a book band. |
Melisa and Zahi | For her extra reading and comprehension. |
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados | Jeremiah ad Deja | Wales | Archie |
Jamaica | Izabella and Reggie | Scotland | George |
St Lucia | Callum | Germany | Thereisa |
Antigua | Jack | Greece | Anastasia |
New Zealand |
| Italy | Nathaniel |
Australia | Natalia | U.S.A | Hayden |
Palau |
| Canada | River |
Madagascar | Alex | Mexico | Lexi |
Egypt | Charlotte G and Alesha | Chile | Iirina |
Kenya | Elda | Brazil | Elma |
N. Ireland | Freddie | Malta | Jessica |
Argentina | Kaylin |
Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!