Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer. Well done to Riley(Northern Ireland) Ella and Victoria (Antigua), Camelia and Domas (Barbados), Roman E (Palau) Sai, David T and Mahir (Jamaica) and Leo (St Lucia).
Tracker Awards
Congratulations to Abina (Kenya) for completing her Silver Tracker Award.
Certificate of Presentation
Well done to Tommy (Northern Ireland) who presented his work beautifully.
Reading Awards
Congratulations to Moksha (Palau) for achieving a Silver Reading Award, to Kajus (Greece) for achieving a Gold Reading Award and to Ruby (Barbados) for achieving a Platinum award.
Mathletics Award
Congratulations to Michael N (Northern Island) and Sophia (Scotland) for achieving their Bronze award.
E for Excellence Winners
Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!