23rd October 2020
Dear Parents,
We come to the end of what has been a strange and challenging half term. We were so pleased to welcome the children back in September and, despite the changes in our daily routines, on the whole they have settled back into learning very quickly.
Pupils can now access reading books virtually through ‘Bug club’. It is proving to be very popular with those pupils who have already accessed it and I would urge those of you who haven’t signed up yet to do so. Teachers are able to set books and follow pupils’ progress and it offers a wealth of reading opportunities across a wide range of genres for our children.
I am pleased to advise that the collection for Renza’s funeral raised an amazing £1073. On behalf of the family I want to thank you for your generosity -as most of you are aware Renza was a regular visitor to the school over 20 odd years and her youngest child is still a pupil here. I never cease to be amazed by the incredible sense of community spirit and support I feel in Harold Hill-it's such a privilege to work here.
PLEASE RESPECT OUR NEIGHBOURS-I have had a complaint from a local resident who has asked me to remind parents/carers that the parking bays along Bernwelle Avenue and within the flats are private and not for public parking. It seems these are being used by parents at drop off and pick up times-Please be aware there are parking spaces in Central Park.
The closing date for secondary school applications is Saturday 31 October 2020 (midnight). However the eAdmissions helpdesk will not be available after 5pm on Friday 30 October so it is recommended that you complete your application by no later than Midday on the 30th October. This will ensure that if you do experience any unforeseen problems, there is ample time for these to be rectified before the closing date.
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 2nd November is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.25. The menu can be accessed here (it says infant school but is the menu for both infants and juniors).
Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.
Diary Dates
Term Dates 2020-21
Autumn Term
Monday 2nd November - Friday 18th December
Spring Term
Monday 4th January - Friday 12th February
Monday 22nd February - Thursday 1st April
Summer Term
Monday 19th April - Friday 28th May
Monday 7th June - Friday 23rd July
INSET Days 2020-2021
After School Clubs
We were not able to run after school clubs this half term, but we are intending to run some after school clubs when we return in November. Pupils will remain in their year group bubbles-Look out for club letters.
Star Writers:
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Leo in Antigua,Tommy in Jamaica, Justas in St Lucia, Tommy C in Germany, Andrew in Palau, Samir in Australia, Harrison in Kenya, Daniel in New Zealand, Millie in Scotland, Cattleya in Northern Ireland, Hayden in Barbados, Chloe in Wales, Jovan in Greece, Alex in Italy, Iziah in Madagascar, Isabel in Egypt, Nina in Brazil, Harry in Argentina and Georgia in Canada, Milana in Mexico, Jacob and Joseph in Malta, Zahi in U.S.A and Mihaela in Chile Look out for examples of their work on the blog!
Learning Power Awards:
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Agata, Emilia & Harman in Brazil and Hamit in Chile receive certificates for reciprocity and Lexie and Ronnie in Germany and George in Chile for reflectiveness. Well done to Carter, Jack, Maryam, Charlotte G and Yannis in Egypt and Muhammad in Madagascar who receive certificates for resilience and Jasmine in Chile who has shown she can be very resourceful in school.
Tracker Awards:
Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Aayan, Edaurd and Samuel in Kenya, Evelin, Dempcee-Leigh, Francesca, Daniel K, Daniel O and Kaycie-Jo in Madagascar, Andrianna in Canada and Alesha, Joshua, Izampela, Tyler and Jett in Egypt..
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Layla in Madagascar and Roberto and Elena in Northern Ireland. Well done to them!
Riley in U.S.A and Natas and Joshua in Northern Ireland receive Gold Tracker certificates in recognition of the fantastic effort they have made in learning.
A Platinum Tracker certificate is awarded to Oghomwen in Wales Very well done to him!
Certificate of Presentation:
Well done to Aubree in Palau, Esther in Australia, Darius in New Zealand, Nevaeh in Kenya, Daniel in Scotland, Rianne in Germany, Mohammad and Theodora in Madagascar and Sadie in Egypt who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.
Reading Awards
The following pupil have read 10 books and receive a bookmark for their efforts, Nancy, Favour, Jessica, Nathan K, and Matteo in Jamaica, Olivia, Millie and Evelyn in St Lucia, Grace, Aum and Avyukt in Australia, Arsalaan, Layla, Moksha, Maryam, Nuhaa, Emma, Noah, Mia, Maisy, Charley, Emilia and Mekhi in Palau, Donovan in New Zealand, Charlie, Kojo, Harvey, Amirah, Domas, Zofia, Kamil, Ruby, Ezra and Tyler in Barbados, Eva, Katherine, Max, Sophia, Olivia, Eleni, Fareeda, Bogdan, David, George, James, Rio, Sienna and Esmai in Scotland, Destini, Natas and Seiar in Northern Ireland, Layla-Mai, Lily, Michael, Carter, Filip and Ava P in Italy Class, Elda and Marvellous in Kenya, David, Jacob and Jared in Wales, Keeley and Daniel K in Madagascar, Ayan and Olivia in Canada and Yannis, Frankie, Joshua, Izampela and Jett in Egypt.
Skyla, Amari, Rayan, Emilia, Sebastian, Camelia and Kojo in Barbados, Nancy, Favour and Jessica in Jamaica, Mekhi, Maisy, Mia, Noah, Nuhaa, Moksha Antony, Honey, Jessie and Vlad in Kenya, Zuzanna and Dora in New Zealand and Frankie in Italy, have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Olivia in Barbados and Ignacy in New Zealand, who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Mathletics Award
The following children have been award a Bronze certificate for achieving 1000 points by completing their Mathletic challenges; Lexie and Dovydas in Germany, Arsalaan,Moksha,Nuhaa, Noah, Mia, Taha and Amaan in Palau, Aisha, Natalia, Samhita, Damira, Grace, Rubi, Leo and Shay in Australia, Darius, Ignacy, Domas, Ria, Donovan, Dora, Zuzanna, Amber in New Zealand. Vlad in Chile, Rebekah, Alex, Pavel, Jannat, Anya and Joshua K in Argentina, Zahi, Emily, Rehan, Lenny, Taylor in U.S.A. Maximilian, Nisa, Millie, Sophia, Dev, Sienna and Zachary in Scotland, Natas, Michael N and Haydar in Northern Ireland. Jacob, Daniel and Jokubas in Wales, Frankie and Michael in Italy, Annan, Andrianna, Olivia and Reuben in Canada, Nia and Mahroosh in Brazil.
These children have been awarded a silver certificate for achieving 5 Bronze certificates in Mathletics; Kajus in Germany, Vlad in Chile, Nia & Mahroosh in Brazil, Nisa in Scotland, Michael N in Northern Ireland and Anya in Argentina.
The winning class in KS2 this week was Scotland
The children will see their name displayed in school on the Mathletic board outside U.S.A class
I have made my teacher happy/WOW Award
E for Excellence Winners:
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
It just leaves me to extend my very best wishes-have a lovely weeks break and we look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday November 2nd.
Have a fabulous week.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith