Friday, 17 May 2019

Reception trip to Paradise Wildlife Park is tomorrow

Just a little reminder that Reception children will be going on their school trip tomorrow. As we will be leaving school promptly at 9am, please ensure your child is in school by 8.30am  for them to be registered.

Please make sure that children are dressed in school uniform and are wearing comfortable shoes to walk in.  If it is raining please send your child/children in with a raincoat as parts of Paradise Wildlife park are outside.

If you are providing your child with a packed lunch from home, please remember to pack this in a named plastic bag which can easily be disposed of. Your child is not required to bring any money on this trip as we will not be visiting the gift shop.

For any parents who are still to make their £10 payment for the trip please can you do this as soon as possible via your sQuid account. If you require any assistance in accessing your account, please see a member of the office Monday morning and they will be happy to assist you.

We look forward to seeing you all bright and early Monday.

Reception team