Charleigh-May Fowell from Jamaica for trying hard to answer questions.
Lukas Balciunas and Sofia Nauthoo from New Zealand for home learning and Daisy Deeble for moving up a book band.
Rehan Riyaz from Madagascar for completing a compound word challenge and Olivia Foreman, Riley Rogers & Logan Bearman for moving up a book band.
Ava Rowley, Destiny Faulkner, Taylor Wadge, Teddy Gain, Jake Webb, Joe MacMillan, Tai Le, Franky Perfect, Louisa King, Dinuki Muthukumarana, Lenny Surridge from Egypt for moving up a book band.
Nicole Nykante, Marcel Kalinowski, Edward Munteanu, Dominik Lyczko and Julia Nowak from Kenya for moving up a book band.
Kaylin Nachwa Muwenda from Wales for a thoughtful answer to our volcano Big Question.
Jessica Iancu from Germany for reading 75 books.
Kaylin Nachwa Muwenda from Wales for a thoughtful answer to our volcano Big Question.
Jessica Iancu from Germany for reading 75 books.