Monday 26th February -We have the author Cliff McNish visiting our year 5 pupils.
Tuesday 27th February -Our year 1 pupils will be attending a circus workshop, in school, during the afternoon. After school our Netball team will be taking on a team from Broadford.
Wednesday 28th February -Our year 6 pupils will be visiting the IMAX cinema in London and during the afternoon some of our year 3 pupils will be attending a Forest Schools session.
Thursday 1st March is World Book Day-See additional information above. During the afternoon some of our year 5/6 pupils will be representing the school at a Tag Rugby competition to be held at Brookside Primary School
Friday 2nd March- Some members of our travel team will be attending the TFL travel conference with Mrs Harding and Miss Doherty, other pupils will be attending a Zoella event at Westfield.