Friday, 26 May 2017
Newsletter 26.05.2017
Dear Parents/Carers
Firstly I’d like to wish you all a good half term week-let’s hope this lovely weather continues so we can make the most of it during the break. On the Monday we come back our year 5 pupils will be off on their residential trip to Mersea followed by year 6 the following week. Teachers have planned lots of exciting activities/trips for those not going, so lots to look forward to!
Next half term promises to be very busy with lots of end of term activities planned-I have listed key dates below so parents/carers who need to can make the necessary arrangements in plenty of time.
Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school. PE/games are part of the National Curriculum and as such all pupils are expected to take part so it is important, especially in this hot weather, that they have the correct clothing.
Diary Dates
Monday 5th -Friday 9th June-Cycle to school week. There is provision for children to keep their bikes in school -We just ask they bring a lock so they can be kept securely during the day.
Monday 5th June-Wednesday 7th June-Year 5 trip to Mersea Island
Monday 5th June YR6 and remaining YR5s trip to The Barbican-Firebird production-LSO
Tuesday 6th June-YR 6 leavers photograph (Romford Recorder)
Tuesday 6th June Miles The Mole-Theatre production in school
Wednesday 7th June-Poet day Laura Dockrill at Mead
Thursday 8th June-School closed as it is being used as a Polling Station for the for General Election
Friday 9th June-Yr 5 Biking Day
Friday 9th June-There will be no habit club after school
Monday 12th June- Wednesday 14th June-Year6 trip to Mersea Island
Week beginning Monday 12th June -YR1 phonic screening
Key dates for the rest of the summer term
Monday 10th July-13:30-14:45-YR 1 Sports Day
Tuesday 11th July-9:30-12:00-LKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-9:30-12:00- UKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-13:30-14:45-YR2 Sports Day
Friday 14th July 9:30-10:30-YR R Sports Day
Friday 14th July-Picnic in the Playground
Monday 17th July 15:30-19:30 Parents Evening
Tuesday 18th July 16:30-18:00-Oscars
Well done to Brazil and Chile classes who tied with the highest attendance in Y5&6 and at 97.8%. Germany had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at 98.4%. Madagascar had the highest attendance in KS1 at 97.6%. The overall attendance last week was 95% just slightly less than the previous week.
Have a fabulous week. Look forward to seeing you on Monday 5th June.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Please see separate postings for award winners