Barbados -Billy Goss
Wales -Michael Bokombe
Jamaica -Jayden Ndoko
Scotland -Ramone Reid
St Lucia -Aisha Osman
Germany -Joseph Wane
New Zealand -Benjamin Winjobi
Greece -Washakh Nadeem
Australia -Matty Fitzgibbon
Italy -Claudia Lutete-Ndoko
Palau -Reggie Callaghan
U.S.A -Ryan Safo-Frimpong
Madagascar -All the children for their great behaviour at the Music Festival
Canada -Hermione-Rose Billings
Egypt -All the children for the great behaviour at the Music Festival
Mexico -Paige Cheney
Kenya -All the children for their great behaviour at the Music Festival
Chile -Jamie Alexander
N. Ireland -Crystal Faulkner
Brazil -Sahar Abdin
Fiji -The whole class