Ever wanted to do more to support your child's school? Ever thought you could use your talents to make a difference?
These dedicated and determined parents did, and look what they have achieved!
This year alone, Friends of Mead have organised:
- Christmas Fair
- Summer Fete and Inflatable day
- Prize Draw
- Mothers Day gifts
- Father's Day gifts
- Year 4/5/6 Disco
In total this year Friends of Mead have raised around £4,500! Some of this has so far been spent on footballs for the playground, refreshments for the Queen's 90th Birthday, donations to charity, year 6 trip refreshments, and other treats for the children.
Thanks go to Mrs Hockley, the Chair, Mrs Bodle, Mrs Manley, Mr & Mrs O Flynn, Mrs Tisbury, Mrs Joyce, Mrs Rowley and all the other parents and carers who have given so much of their time and energy this year.
A special thanks must also go to Mr Chris Kent, Chair of Governors, and Mr Chris Cowley, Site manager, for their endless support for all the events organised.
A special thanks must also go to Mr Chris Kent, Chair of Governors, and Mr Chris Cowley, Site manager, for their endless support for all the events organised.
These community events are part of what makes Mead so special, and WE NEED YOUR HELP to keep this vital group going.
If you can spare just a few hours a term to help run an event, please contact Mrs Hockley, via the school office.