Friday, 31 January 2025

Achievement Awards - 31.1.25

 Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above..  New Zealand, Palau, Fiji, Kenya, Madagascar,Italy, Germany, USA, Canada and India. Attendance was much improved this week and its lovely to see classes who rarely get the opportunity to roll the dice for an award to achieve it this week due to an improvement in attendance. Lets please try to keep it up. These classes will all be enjoying their attendance-oply rewards next week!

Bingo Homework

Atanas (Morocco)

15 Books Certificates

Well done to Elsie and Robbie (New Zealand), Olivia and Yasmin (England)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to  Elijah who is awarded Malta Star of the Week for for fantastic engagement during Attention Autism ‘bucket’ sessions this week!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Aleena (Wales), Ellie (England), Victoria  (New Zealand), Alma (Fiji), Biddy (Mexico), Rayya (USA), Rayne (Scotland), Matas (Northern Ireland), Kenya Class (Kenya), Sienna (Madagascar), Sophia (Egypt), Kyrah (Greece), Freddie (St Lucia), Gabriel (Italy), Eva (Germany), Zion-Elijah (Spain), Ustym (Canada), whole Morocco class, Karma (Palau), Ryan (Brazil) Siyana + Carter (Jamaica), Vilte (Malaysia), Ivy-Rose (Antigua), Sarah (China), Jack  (India) 

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to David (Wales), Isla (England), Dulcie  (New Zealand), Georgia (Fiji), Moksha (Mexico), Sebastian (Greece), Jeremiah (USA), Blake (Scotland), Lucian (Northern Ireland), Evie B, Donatela (Kenya), Sophie (Madagascar), Millie D (Egypt), Maryam (St Lucia), Elena (Italy), Manha (Germany), Reggie (Spain), Grace (Canada), Jessaih (Morocco), Ishaq (Palau),  Samhita (Brazil), Paulina (Malaysia), Patrik (Antigua) Nathan (Jamaica), Daniel O (China), Sabriyah (India)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Ja’c & Bobby (Wales), Lilly (England), Nicoletia (New Zealand), Sofia (Fiji) Leona( Mexico), Ollie (USA), Isha (Scotland), Siyaa  (Northern Ireland), Iyaz (Kenya), Brody (Madagascar), Benjamin (Egypt), Navy (St lucia), Sethika (Italy), Leo (Germany), Aayan (Spain), Janvi (Canada), Amal and Ifra (Morocco), Sofia P (Palau), Aubree (Brazil), Frazer (Malaysia), Nathan (Greece), Vladimir (Antigua) Vlad (Jamaica), Todor (China), Carter  (India)

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Rebecca, Tommy H, Maddison, Riley (Kenya), Ezra, Sara (Italy), Dulcie, Ruby, Neel and Oscar (New Zealand), Nuhaa (Mexico), Emma (Mexico), Kajus (Mexico), Lily (Mexico), Alma, Madhav, Kaine, Rose (Fiji), Mahir & Amirah (Spain), Lillie-Rose (England), Sandra, Johnny (USA), David (Wales), Varnika (Scotland), Nancy and Alessia  (Northern Ireland), Nisin, Jordan (Madagascar), Tyler and Jamie (Germany), Janvi, Hollie (Canada) , Atanas, Luna, Zoya and Ronnie (Morocco), Tamia, Anja (Egypt), Vilte, Elda, Anna, Zaydh, Sofia, Jessie, Paulina, Sofia and Nevaeh (Malaysia), Daniel K and Alex (China) Ella (Wales), Renesmee, Carter, Sadie, Levi, Parin, Maathumai, Kaycie, Fran  (India)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Max & Lily (Wales), Gabriela and Ozil (New Zealand) Mikel (USA), Evie B, Preston (Kenya), Erica, Jordan (Madagascar), Chloe,Enki and Nikole (scotland), Sophia J, Aaliyah (Morocco), Amelia (Northern Ireland)

Silver certificate

Heavenly (Wales), Hamza, Samson (Fiji), Nuhaa (Mexico), Kajus(Mexico), Malakai (USA), Akshara, Amelia (Kenya), Sid and David (Scotland), Oluwanifemi (Morocco), Alessia  (Northern Ireland), Izyan (Canada), Violet, Amari (Greece), Faith, Jacob (Spain)

Gold Certificate

Azrah, Khadijah & David (Wales), Yasmin, Dawood, Jake (England), Caitlin, Sebastian and Jamarb (New Zealand), Madhav (Fiji), Darius (Mexico) 

Kevin (Mexico), Zuzanna (USA), Sebastian, Finn (Egypt), Abdullah (Kenya), Anastasia, Daniel, David, Brody, Sophie (Madagascar), Katy (Scotland), Zara (Morocco), Sydney and Milena  (Northern Ireland), Leo, Shay (Canada), Yani, Elhan (Palau), Zelda (Germany), Callum (Greece), Cat, Gabriel (Italy), Kavi, Mahir (Spain)

Platinum Certificate 

Alicia & Ethan (Wales), Amy, Olivia, Lilly (England), Luke, Neel, James and Emma  (New Zealand), Maaz, Thomas, Jaxson-Bridge, Georgia, Vivaan, Maxim, Sofa (Fiji), Alex (Egypt), Buddy, Besa (Kenya), Andrei G (Madagascar), Danizhan, Zoya (Morocco), Sara and Matas  (Northern Ireland), Amy, Ustym (Canada), Aahil, Artem, Sofia P and Adrian (Palau), Domas, Emilia, Manha (Germany), Nathan (Greece), Jessica, Justas, Ahmet, Lenny, Elena (Italy)

Emerald Certificate

Albert (Wales), Sophie (Kenya), Milena (Scotland), Stefan (Northern Ireland), Olivia, Akhila (Italy) Rayan A (Spain)

Diamond Certificate

Aum (USA), Sebastian (Greece)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)


Antigua (YR)


Jamaica (YR)


New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)

Andrei G

Morocco (Y2)

Kenya (Y2)

Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)


England (Y3)


Italy (Y4)

Lillie W

Greece (Y4)


Spain (Y4)


Germany (Y4)


Brazil (Y5)


Canada (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


USA (Y5)


China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)


India (Y6)
