Achievement Certificates
Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Daniel, William, Izabela (Egypt), Jacob (Germany), Lily, Andrey and Ralph (Madagascar)
Malta’s Star of the Week Many congratulations to Julianna who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for happily coming into school.
Star Writer Certificates
These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Amaliah (Northern Ireland), Kojo (Palau), Isla (Barbados), Alana (Antigua) Jokubas (Germany), Luke (Scotland), Jake (Greece) Andrew (Kenya), Ugo (Wales), Janvi (Egypt), Emaan (Australia), Summer (China), Larkenz (India), Hollie (Madagascar), Rayan (Fiji) Stefan (St Lucia), Vansh (USA) Lukas (Brazil) and Barbara (Mexico).
Star Reader Certificates
Star Reader Certificates
These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Saim (Northern Ireland), Domas (Palau), Max (Barbados), Ahmed (Antigua), Matteo (Germany), Janisha (Scotland), Michelle (Greece) Emilia (Kenya), Avyukt and Poppy (Madagascar), Mickey-Ray (Wales), Izabela (Egypt), Sienna (Australia), Jaime (China), Logan (India), Ender (Fiji), Alessia (St Lucia), Dami (USA), Deimantas (Mexico) and Evie (Brazil).
Star Mathematician Certificates
Star Mathematician Certificates
These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Scarlett (Northern Ireland), Zofia (Palau), Rio (Germany), Renaz (Scotland), Chloe (Greece) Karl (Kenya), Sara (Barbados), Yasmin,Liyana-Mae,Talula, Penelope (Antigua), Gracie (Wales), Daisy-Rose and Robert (Egypt), Shree (Australia), Sade (China), Brea (India), Rubi (Madagascar), Leo S (Fiji) Ruby-Lea (St Lucia), Billy (USA) Chase (Brazil) and Albert (Mexico).
Mathletics Award
Mathletics Award
Bronze certificate
Sidrah, Amy, Jacob, Dora, Zuzanna, Amber, Fausta, Shayan and Ella (Egypt), Vlad, Kaden and Samuel (Northern Ireland), Olivia, Domas, Zelda, Zofia, Camelia, Emilia and Sebastian (Palau), Chloe, Jokubas, Victoria (Germany), Albert, Jake, Azrah, Ethan (Barbados), Daniel K, Merkhima, Majus, Janisha, Dempcee-leigh, Daniel R(Scotland), Gabriel, David, Haydar, Michael N, Ivan (Greece) Taha, Mia, Nuhaa, Moksha, Emma, Maisy and Lucille (Kenya), Samhita, Grace, Avyukt, Aum, Isla, Andrey, Leya & Visha (Madagascar), Callum, Violet, Oguzcan, Lenny M and Akhila (New Zealand), Mahir, Kavi, Nathan K, David T, Jessica (Australia) Manha (Fiji), Sarah, Vansh, Kajus & Jason (USA) and Charlie (Brazil)
Sidrah, Amy, Jacob, Dora, Zuzanna, Amber, Fausta, Shayan and Ella (Egypt), Vlad, Kaden and Samuel (Northern Ireland), Olivia, Domas, Zelda, Zofia, Camelia, Emilia and Sebastian (Palau), Chloe, Jokubas, Victoria (Germany), Albert, Jake, Azrah, Ethan (Barbados), Daniel K, Merkhima, Majus, Janisha, Dempcee-leigh, Daniel R(Scotland), Gabriel, David, Haydar, Michael N, Ivan (Greece) Taha, Mia, Nuhaa, Moksha, Emma, Maisy and Lucille (Kenya), Samhita, Grace, Avyukt, Aum, Isla, Andrey, Leya & Visha (Madagascar), Callum, Violet, Oguzcan, Lenny M and Akhila (New Zealand), Mahir, Kavi, Nathan K, David T, Jessica (Australia) Manha (Fiji), Sarah, Vansh, Kajus & Jason (USA) and Charlie (Brazil)
Silver certificate
Ignacy and Janvi (Egypt), Olivia and Domas (Palau), Albert (Barbados), Daniel R (Scotland), Gabriel (Greece). Samhita (Madagascar) and Jessica (Australia)
Ignacy and Janvi (Egypt), Olivia and Domas (Palau), Albert (Barbados), Daniel R (Scotland), Gabriel (Greece). Samhita (Madagascar) and Jessica (Australia)
Gold certificate
Donovan (Egypt), Domas (Palau), Daniel R (Scotland), Gabriel (Greece) and Jessica (Australia).
Golden Certificate
Donovan (Egypt), Domas (Palau), Daniel R (Scotland), Gabriel (Greece) and Jessica (Australia).
Golden Certificate
Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!
Stephen, Leona
Antigua (YR)
Shawaiz, JJ and Sydney
Palau (Y1)
Zelda and Clio
Fiji (Y1)
Australia (Y1)
Izabella and David D
Kenya (Y2)
Layla and Nuhaa
Scotland (Y3)
Wales (Y3)
Anete, Amber, Carter, Alesha
Northern Ireland (Y3)
David and Nevaeh
Greece (Y4)
Michelle and Lola
Germany (Y4)
James, David, Bella-Leigh, Brenden
Stephen, Leona
Demi Bleu
Well done to New Zealand, Palau, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Greece, USA, China and Malaysia who all beat their attendance target last week.
Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!
Well done to New Zealand, Palau, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Greece, USA, China and Malaysia who all beat their attendance target last week.
Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!