We hope you are having a lovely but I am sure very busy weekend.
We hope you enjoyed the Christmas concert last week .We were so proud of all the children.We thought they did so well.
This week we are concentrating on making sure that the children have a very special Nursery Christmas.
On Monday the children will have a fun day with Christmas crafts in the Nursery.
On Tuesday we have a preparation for Santa day.We would like the children to wear pyjamas and dressing gowns to Nursery.We would invite morning parents to come back to Nursery at 10.30 and read a Christmas story to the children.We will then have a whole group story and hot chocolate and biscuits in front of the virtual fire. We would ask afternoon children and 30 hour parents to come back at 2.30. for a similair experience.
Wednesday is another fun Christmas in the Nursery day but we will be visited by our new children that will be joining Nursery in January.
Thursday is party day.We have ordered food for the children so children come in as usual and just enjoy party time in the Nursery

On Friday our sessions run as usual and the children will finish off the party food and ensure they have got all their Christmas goodies ready to take home.
We will be selling tickets for the Christmas hamper raffle this week between Monday and Thursday.We thank you for your massive generosity in donating such lovely gifts .Please buy some raffle tickets.The raffle is open to all Mead families.
Merry Christmas and wishing you a happy and Healthy 2010
The Nursery Team