Friday 12 April 2019

Forest School Fun

Another term of Forest School is over and the current group of children have loved every moment!

Take a look back at what our wonderful Year 3 children got up to over the last couple of weeks.

Week 8: The children were relocated to the school field due to the high winds. For lots of children the highlight was discovering a huge puddle to enjoy and a pile of stones to roll down. Others made kites and flags to play with, making the most of the wind. We closed our session with our sundial reflection allowing the children to express how they had found different parts of the session. It was good to see a range of opinions expressed in relation to puddle splashing, kite making, playing games and using the field instead of the forest.

Week 9: The blindfold trail! The children took each other along taking it in turns to direct and be led. They moved on to fire lighting, making conker spiders and lots of digging discovering worms all over the forest. We finished off with a bit of forest bathing, the children really took to this and for many it was a much appreciate bit of quiet time to reflect on their own.

Week 10: Year 3’s final session... The empty hot chocolate mugs and biscuit wrappers show that the s’mores and hot drinks went down a treat! A few children tried the barefoot trail dipping their toes in mud, sand, dried leaves, fresh grass, conkers and water. Everyone got to spend a little time doing their favourite things for one last time including, digging, lying in the hammock, den building and the blindfold trail. We closed our session by putting out the fire and saying something encouraging to the person next to us. It’s always a lovely way to finish as the children listen to their friends saying something positive about them. Some of our encouragements were,

“You are good.” Rehan to Riley.
“You’re a kind friend.” Brooke to Mia.
“I like the way you built a den with me.” Kezrae to Cameron.
“Thank you for hunting for worms with me.” Olivia to Kezrae.

The new and final group have been selected and are already looking forward to starting in the summer term!