These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados -Siddi Harris
Wales -Harrison Jennings
Jamaica -Jared Timcke
Scotland-Kira Staniforth
St Lucia-Leo Jennings
Germany-Aiden Wardell
New Zealand-Lukas Balciunas
Greece-Mark Nugent
Australia-Harry Wing
Italy-Emma Kelly
N. Ireland-Asia Blissett
Palau-Mariama Fati
U.S.A-Dominika Tulinska
Madagascar-Ayan Zahid
Canada-Stuart Cole
Egypt-Jake Webb
Mexico-Jamell Halley
Kenya-Mia-Lea Gardener
Chile-The whole of Chile class for trying so hard and remaining positive during SATs
Brazil-Brazil class for their positive attitude and resilience during SATs
Argentina-Argentina class for remaining resilient and focussed with a positive attitude during SATs

Barbados -Siddi Harris
Wales -Harrison Jennings
Jamaica -Jared Timcke
Scotland-Kira Staniforth
St Lucia-Leo Jennings
Germany-Aiden Wardell
New Zealand-Lukas Balciunas
Greece-Mark Nugent
Australia-Harry Wing
Italy-Emma Kelly
N. Ireland-Asia Blissett
Palau-Mariama Fati
U.S.A-Dominika Tulinska
Madagascar-Ayan Zahid
Canada-Stuart Cole
Egypt-Jake Webb
Mexico-Jamell Halley
Kenya-Mia-Lea Gardener
Chile-The whole of Chile class for trying so hard and remaining positive during SATs
Brazil-Brazil class for their positive attitude and resilience during SATs
Argentina-Argentina class for remaining resilient and focussed with a positive attitude during SATs