Wednesday 22 November 2017

Barbados Class visit the library

What a fantastic time Barbados class had visiting the library this morning! Upon arriving we were greeted by a librarin who told us about the library and all the different books that were on offer, Bogdan asked "Do you have books for parents to read?". The children were then read a lovely story  about Christmas before being able to choose a book they would like to read. There was a sea of smiling faces as they eagerly searched the book shelves for a book they wanted to share with their friends. "I like football" said Sumad, "Wow" said James upon seeing all the different books.

The children all walked beautifully to the library with some even helping the adults with road safety, Eleni commented "I'm looking both left and right". We had some tired legs by the time we got back to school but we all had a lovely time and look forward to reading the books we got to bring back with us.